What do i do? my jaw keeps popping

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Sometimes your jaw can come out of alignment and cause a popping noise. You should probably see an orthodontist. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-i-do%3F-my-jaw-keeps-popping ]
More Answers to “What do i do? my jaw keeps popping
Why do you think my jaw keeps popping?
Mine does that because I have TMJ(Temporomandibular joint disorder) from a trip to the dentists, where I was required to hold my mouth open for a LONG time. So, apparently, that’s what caused it.
What do I do when my jaw keeps popping out of place??
This still sounds like it may be TMJ. Some cases present a little differently without pain. Some people get ear pain. I don’t really know, but a dentist knows a significant amount about this sort of thing, so if you are due for a cleaning a…
What do you do when your jaw keeps popping
Jaw popping is one sign of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). Please see your doctor or dentist. ChaCha!

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why do you think my jaw keeps popping?
Q: my jaw has been popping constantly for over a month now. i got my braces off in june and don’t know if that has anything to do with it. but its really been bugging me… any advice?
A: Mine does that because I have TMJ(Temporomandibular joint disorder) from a trip to the dentists, where I was required to hold my mouth open for a LONG time. So, apparently, that’s what caused it.
My Jaw Keeps Popping! Any good tips on how to get rid of it?
Q: Everytime i yawn or open my mouth wide it pops. Also, sometimes when i eat..Does anyone know any good tips on how to getrid of it?
A: See a doctor. You may have a cronic condition called TMJ (temporomandibular joint).Here is a website that you may find helpful:http://www.tmj.org/According to the TMJ Association website, a dentist or oral surgeon may be the best type of doctor to treat you.
My jaw keeps popping everytime I eat or open my mouth too wide.What are the cause of that?
Q: And will it cause problems later for me.
A: As others have said, this is caused by TMJ, which is a disorder of the tempero-mandibular joint (jaw joint). I had this a few years ago and had to wear a retainer to prevent it. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of TMJ is stress, which results in you grinding your teeth while you sleep – this puts strain on the jaw joint and can force it out of line. It can get pretty painful if you don’t deal with it, so I’d seek treatment. Here in Boston there’s a good TMJ clinic at Tufts. However, I’d also try and figure out what’s stressing you out so much and deal with that, since it’ll probably cause other problems for you as well.
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