What are big red bumps itchy and spreading

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Could be anything from scabies to a staph infection to poison ivy. It’s not really that much to go on. Maybe explain how they started, then you can get a certain answer. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-big-red-bumps-itchy-and-spreading ]
More Answers to “What are big red bumps itchy and spreading
What are big red bumps itchy and spreading
Could be anything from scabies to a staph infection to poison ivy. It’s not really that much to go on. Maybe explain how they started, then you can get a certain answer. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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Owwies..Big Red Itchy Bumps on My Skin..Can Someone Help A.S.A.P!?
Q: Hi, I Just got these red itchy Bumbs the size of a Penny or Sometimes Like Dimes.They are readdy Itchy and they keep spreading. First It was the side of my face and Now my back!! I don’t know what to do.It’s contagious. My parents got It and now I have It. It hasn’t Stopped Speading and my parents got It two Months ago and It’s still Not Healed!! Pleease Help me. Sometimes It isn’t really Itchy But sometimes It Itches So Much!! They Just randomly appear. PLEASE HELP >//< I don’t wanna go To school with Red Bumps Everywhere on my skin -____-My Parents have Been Using the same Detergent and I haven’t Been Exposed To any plants. I’ve Been using my Regular Soap. >//< Please Help!! Thanks.
A: If it’s contagious, you all need to go see a doctor ASAP. If it’s some kind of bug, bacteria, or fungal infection that is spreading, it’s probably living in your environment.If you all have it, all of you should be treated so that you can stop spreading it to each other!Good luck!
red itchy bumps that started on my arms the bumps slowly deflates until a new set rises on my arms ?
Q: there is a different type of small spots that have come up on my fingers two or three of these are on my foot. however the bigger bumps have spread to the top of my shoulders with now three or four of these ones on my stomach and the big ones are very itchy what is this? please help?
A: Sounds like urticaria. Antihistamines will control it.
red, itchy, bumps have come up on my index fingers and has spread to my knuckles and other fingers. what is it
Q: its really itchy. started on my index fingers, started to spread across to my other fingers now it going down onto my knuckles and hands. its also on my toes, doing exactly the same thing starting on my big toes and making its way across.please help!!!!
A: it sounds like heat rash…i’ve had something similar to this before and it went away in a few days. this page will help you determine what this could be 🙂 http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/tools/symptom/545.html
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