If your on birth control when do you pms

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PMS generally starts 7-10 days before menstruation. Can be the week before or the day before, depends on your body. Thanks,ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-your-on-birth-control-when-do-you-pms ]
More Answers to “If your on birth control when do you pms
Will birth control help PMS?
yes. talk to your doctor theyll help you. im on seasonale, which means i only get my period once every three months and i dont pms or anything now at all
What about a woman with PMS on the birth control pill??
The birth control pill contains high levels of an estrogen-like hormone and a progesterone-like hormone. Taking these hormones may cause premenstrual symptoms. Women who experience PMS while on the pill should consider using another method …
Will birth control help terrible PMS?
Hi, Yes there is a lot of evidence to support the use of combined oral pills and even the use of progestogen only pills as a way of managing PMS. You really need to talk this through with your doctor, who can prescribe a pill that’s low in …

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Does Birth Control really help to control your mood swings and PMS?
Q: I really don’t want to get on the pill for personal reasons, but I have the worst periods ever. I get so depressed and spacey, and the pain tops all… My gyno keeps trying to get me to get on the pill, but I don’t know… I’m terrified of gaining weight or not being able to lose weight. What is your experience on the pill?
A: Yes, it does help. The weight gain is from fluid retention. It goes away eventually. You need to consider your priorities.
Can birth control or midol help your emotions during PMS?
Q: During my period I would have horrible mood swings and emotions that sometimes I would have to avoid people. I’ve been thinking about going on the pill, but I honestly don’t have the money to go see a doctor right now. I was wondering if any over the counter medicine would help PMS like Midol.
A: God yes!I used to take it BECAUSE it stopped me being a raging monster!
How does birth control help with PMS?
Q: I consider myself a very happy person, but a week before my period, my mood changes drastically. I start to think everyone hates me, that I am worthless, and by the end of the week, I am usually near suicidal. I hate the way this effects myself and the people around me. I wanted to know if birth control helps with this. I am only 14, and I’m considering asking my mom about going to the doctor to try something because my PMS is out of control, and it completely stops when my period starts. Does anyone know more about this?
A: PMS is not your fault, and it does not indicate psychological weakness. It is not something to be embarrassed about. Most researchers and clinicians suggest starting with lifestyle changes, such as diet, exercise, and stress management. Over-the-counter and prescription medicines as well as non-drug treatments like vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies are also used.Different treatments are effective for different women. Although you may need to try several before having success, more than 90 percent of women can get at least some relief from their PMS symptoms.Primary treatment for PMS currently includes: – Non-drug and lifestyle approaches- MedicationsBirth control pills may help relieve the physical symptoms of PMS in some women, but the results are variable. Because birth control pills contain high levels of an estrogen-like hormone and progesterone -like hormone, they actually may cause premenstrual symptoms in some women. Women who experience PMS while on the pill should consider using another method of birth control.I would recommend that you speak with your mom and get her to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options and how to best treat your symptoms.Good luck 🙂
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