How is a natural way to whiten your teeth

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You can create a paste with 1 ripe strawberry and 1/2 tsp baking soda. Mush the strawberry, add the soda and place on teeth 5 min. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is a natural way to whiten your teeth
What is a natural way to whiten your teeth?
baking soda and strawberries. mix the 2 nd make a paste on ur teeth. take off in 20 min. and brush teeth. i tried it and it really works
What are natural ways to whiten your teeth?
Some of the basic home teeth whitening tip or methods of teeth whitening, used by people around the world are as follows:・ 1. Application of a paste of lemon juice and salt in the yellowish tint of the teeth is a wonderful way … ・ 2. Rubb…
Is there a natural way to whiten teeth?
Strawberries, apples and carrots all have great teeth whitening properties. I attached an article from ehow that explains how to include them in your routine. Good luck and cerely is a great natural floss so include that in your diet as wel…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is an at home natural way to whiten your teeth and see results within 3 weeks at least?
Q: Anyone know what I could do to whiten my teeth besides using whitening toothpaste which doesn’t show any improvement at all? … Without using any expensive products..just home made whitener or something like that?
A: 1- Mash strawberry and baking soda together. Apply to teeth with a soft toothbrush. Do this about once a week.2- Baking Soda won’t bleach your teeth, but it will help get plaque off and make them shine. Be warned that Baking Soda is an abrasive and if you use it too much, the enamel on your teeth can get damaged. 3-Pour a little bit of hydrogen peroxide on your toothbrush and then put some baking soda on top then just brush your teeth with it. Rinse your mouth when your done. (Note: it tastes really bad and do not swallow!!!)All the above can be used , but it can give some harm to your teeth, so please be careful. What I use and can advise is the free kit that I got perfect results. It may seem as an advertisement but its not, I personally used and I am happy with the results. Here is the website: Its worth trying
What is a natural way to whiten your teeth?
Q: I do not want to use whiting strips, due to the low money factory.I would prefer using home remedies.I have tried using perixode but I can not keep it in my mouth for ten mintues.But if you know the best way to whiten them kind of fast, please leave a comment below. (:Thanks very much.Brianna.
A: You can always brush your teeth with baking soda. Click the link below if you’d like a more thorough explanation. =)
What is a all natural at home remedy way to whiten your teeth? Or just any way to get your teeth REALLY white.?
Q: What is a all natural at home remedy way to whiten your teeth? Or just any way to get your teeth REALLY white.Anything at home I can use? What about hair bleach? What about peroxide or baking sodawell it doesn’t just have to be natural but a home remedy.something not as costly.
A: I had this same problem. My teeth were really dull. Tried hydorgen peroxide but if though they whitened my teeth I had to stop because of the searing pains.What I now use is ”cotton swab method”.It’s pretty awesome, and it whitens my enamel safely.
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