How do you get rid of earwax

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It is usually quite feasible to soften the wax by instilling drops of warm olive oil, sodium bicarbonate drops, or (more) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of earwax
How do you get rid of earwax?
Olive oil is natural, non-toxic and non-allergenic. It will gently soften the wax. Just one drop in each ear with a dropper and, as previous person said, a little cotton wool to stop it running out. When you have a shower let the water run …
What’s the best way to get rid of earwax?
Fill an eyedropper with hydrogen peroxide of a strength no greater than 3%. Anything stronger may damage your eardrum. Fill your ear canal with the peroxide. Lie on your side with the ear facing up, to keep the peroxide in. Let the peroxide…
What’s the best way to get rid of kitten earwax?
if your vet said it is just dirt and wax, then there is no reason to clean it out. Cats don’t much like their ears messed with, and the more you do,the higher your risk of doing actual damage to the cat. You can end up pushing the wax furth…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get rid of earwax?
Q: And dont say clean them. Because within a day they get terrible. Someones told me to put warm olive oil in them but just wondering if theres any other suggestions?Without having to buy something
A: Olive oil is natural, non-toxic and non-allergenic. It will gently soften the wax. Just one drop in each ear with a dropper and, as previous person said, a little cotton wool to stop it running out. When you have a shower let the water run into your ears and rinse it out.NEVER push a cotton bud or anything else bigger than your elbow in your ear. You could damage your eardrum.If you have serious hard wax use olive oil every day for a week; if not pop a drop in once a week and let your natural processes remove the wax slowly and gently.
How to get rid of earwax build-up?
Q: Well i sort of used a q-tip to get some earwax out of my ear cause it was annoying me but i ended up just pushing it farther in and now i have almost lost all hearing in that ear due to the build-up clogging the canal. What options do i have for getting the built up wax out so i can hear properly again?
A: use hydrogen peroxide….It helps moisten the ear wax in your ear. It works for me:)
How to get rid of deep earwax?
Q: Do you have any tips to get rid of wax that a cotton bud cannot reach?
A: go to doctors get them cleaned properly i messed around with mine for ages with no success on useless products.
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