How do I get phlem out of my throat

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Gargle with warm salt water and take a hot steaming shower. It will help break up the phlegm so you can cough/spit it out. ChaCha soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I get phlem out of my throat
Why do i get phlem in my throat when i laugh?
It maybe your sinuses. Have you ever noticed you have to blow your nose when your eating. Its the movement of the face (cheeks).
How do i get rid of phlem in my throat?
Go to the pharmacy and buy an expectorant syrup. And don’t take any anti-cough syrups, you need to cough to get the liquid out.
How do you get Phlem out of your throat?
You can try an over the counter product such as robitussin cough syrup regularly 2 teaspoons every 4 hours will help give it at least a week or so. If you have further questions or need more assistance please do not hesitate to ask. Dr. Bon…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I am waking every morning with phlem in my throat and I have to spit it out.?
Q: It gets to be a real pain.I don’t know why this is happening.This has been happening for a long time now.7 months maybe.And sometimes after I ate, usually sweet stuff i have to spit phlem.Why is this happening?I am 15 yrs old.
A: It sounds like part of your problem is post nasal drip which a antihistamine would help but to be sure I would check with my doctor.
I have alot of phlem when clearing my throat.How do I find out where its coming from? If its in my lungs or?
Q: just drainage.Because it does make a difference whether its serious or not.
A: Check with a doctor. Have him check your throat and then have you breathe, Then you know the problem.
Waking every morning with phlem in my throat, I believe from an air conditioner, what can I do to prevent this
Q: I’m living in a hotel in Mexico. It’s too hot to open windows and i must use the air conditioner. I’m convinced it causes me phlem and mucous in my throat and mouth as well as a day long, persistent headache. It takes all day to clean myself out. Soon as I enter the room and go to sleep, the buildup begins again in sinuses and throat and head. Any remedies for this?
A: common situation for life in the tropics where heat and humidity can be oppressive. The Air conditioner is probably the culprit so attack the root cause. Here’s your choices.1. air conditioner maintenance (Like clean or replace filter and blow off cooling coils)2. different air conditioner.3. Different room or change location to better conditions.I posted a link below to a great web site called”How stuff works” so you can understand the scope of what your dealing with. If thats not the kind of air conditioner you have, explore around the site. This is probably a hotel maintenance thing if I read you right but at least you know what you are asking them to do for you.I’ve fought this kind of problem before and it’s not easy to find a cheap solution but I’ve given you at least one. Might as well take some favorite over the counter decongestant medicine to help the situation at least a little.Buenos suerte!
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