How can you get rid of a cold quickly

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you get rid of a cold quickly”,you can compare them.

Drink lots of fluids (very important). Get plenty of rest (preferably in bed). Eat a nutritious diet. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you get rid of a cold quickly
・ 1 Immediately devote yourself to getting rid of your cold fast. If you start feeling sick but spend the… ・ 2 Take a bath. As soon as you get home you want to get yourself clean. This will make you feel better… ・ 3 Wash your hands ofte…
you can’t get rid of a cold any more quickly than your body’s immune system can fight it off. You’re doctor could probably prescribe an anti-viral medication, but that’s a little extreme (don’t you think). Take lots of vitamins and drink a …
A cold will take its time. I find drinking orange juice helps and hot water with lemon and sugar.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What should I take to get rid of a cold quickly?
Q: I’m not extreamly sick, but I can definitely feel a cold coming on in my chest and throat. I’m going on vacation in two days and I don’t want to be coughing the whole time. Does anybody have any suggestions on what I should do to get rid of this quickly??
A: Drink lots of Orange Juice and take a vitamin supplimant that is high in Iron. Plus you have to will your way out of it. Think positive thoughts.
what are the best ways to get rid of a cold quickly and effectively?
Q: I have a cold that is really getting annoying, I’ve had it for about 5 days now. Does anyone know a good way to get rid of a cold quickly?. thanks.
A: Plenty of fluids and rest help. As far as medicines/ homeopathic remedies… I always use Zicam. You can take it several different ways…I prefer the dissolvable pills. You can even use this along with some other cold/allergy medicine. The Zicam might take a day or so to kick in but it really helps lessen the symptoms of a cold and shortens the duration.
Any homemade methods to get rid of a cold quickly?
Q: I get colds alot and I spend a fortune on medicine. Does anyone know any homemade methods that I can use that will get rid of a cold quickly?
A: drink a lot of fluids and eat lots of vitamin C.
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