Can birth control make your periods late

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When you start a new pill, they may change the times of your period. If you miss a pill you might be late from a lack of hormones [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can birth control make your periods late
Can birth control make your period late?
Yes, your period should start Sometime during the sugar pill week. Although, it doesn’t necessarily start on the first day of the sugar pills, mine tends to start the 4th day of the sugar pills ((I’ve been on BC for a few months)). If you h…
Can starting birth control make your period late?
Yes. It can even stop the period.
Will quitting birth control make your next period late??
maybe unless you had sex then you might be pregnant

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can birth control make your period late?
Q: I just started my birth control last week. My dermatologist gave it to me to help my acne and told me since i wasn’t doing it for contraception or to regulate my period, i didn’t need to start on the sunday after my period. Now it is the day i am suppose to start and i haven’t (i have never been late). My doctor didn’t explain anything to me but i heard that you start on the sugar pills. Is it the same for non-Sunday starters? Can birth control change when you have your period?
A: Yes, your period should start Sometime during the sugar pill week. Although, it doesn’t necessarily start on the first day of the sugar pills, mine tends to start the 4th day of the sugar pills ((I’ve been on BC for a few months)). If you haven’t gotten your period by the end of your sugar pill week, go see a doctor to make sure all is well, but I’m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about.There also Should be a pamphlet of information about your BC in the box it came in, check that and see if it has anything that may help you.Hope that helps!
Can starting birth control make your period late?
Q: I just started birth control a little over a week ago. It was a Sunday, and I had spotting, so I took the pill that day, then the bleeding stopped, and I haven’t started yet. (I haven’t had sex, by the way.) Is it just because the pill can make your cycle weird?
A: Yes. It can even stop the period.
does taking birth control make your period late are aim i pregnant?
Q: i took birth control for one month (june) and my period was late and i didnt take it the next moth (jully) and i havent seen my period im a week late aim i pregnant are will it come
A: Firstly, did you make sure you used another form of ‘protection’ in the first week you took the pill? Because the pill does not work for the very first week you take it so you will not be covered; your doctor should have told you this and told you to use condoms for the first week until you are fully protected, but i’m just making sure! Secondly, you did take the first pill on the first day of your period didn’t you? Doctors advise you do this in order to make sure that you are not already pregnant before taking the pill. If you didn’t do this then you could have been pregnant before hand! Thirdly, did you take your pill not only every single day, but at the exact same time every day? Not doing this also stops the pill from working and therefore you could very easily get pregnant!If you didn’t do one or more of the required things above then you could very well have gotten yourself pregnant! Your first step would be to take a home pregnancy test and then consult your doctor! If you did do all of the required things above then your chances of pregnancy are very, very small and it could be a number of other things causing your period to be late, for example; change in diet, stress, travel. Remember: When you are on the pill your period will always arrive on time! This is because when you stop taking the pill for the one week break (or you take the placebo pills – depending on which pill you are on) it triggers you to automatically have a withdrawal bleed 2-5 days later! Your period not arriving on time is possibly a sign that the pill was not taken correctly.
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