Why does it hurt when I ovulate

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does it hurt when I ovulate”,you can compare them.

It is perfectly normal to have some discomfort when ovulating. It is simply a reaction to the release of the egg. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-it-hurt-when-i-ovulate ]
More Answers to “Why does it hurt when I ovulate
Do your boobs hurt every month when you ovulate?
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Why does it hurt so much when I ovulate?
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does having sex everday during the week when you are supposed to ovulate hurt your chances of concieving?
Q: I’ve read where it says the more sex you have the more likely you are to get pregnant during and around about the time of ovulation and I have also read and heard that it is bad to have sex everyday because it lowers the sperm count.Any thoughts?
A: It takes a normal, healthy male about 24 hours to replenish his sperm, so if there are no sperm count issues, every day is ok. That said, sperm can live for 3-5 days, so every other day should be plenty.
If you don’t ovulate when taking birth control, why do my boobs always hurt right around when I would ovulate?
Q: every month they hurt, but not around my period.why?
A: Ovulation doesn’t cause breast tenderness, progesterone does.Your body still produces natural progesterone when you are on the pill, and synthetic progesterone is included in contracepive pills.
Why does it hurt so much when I ovulate?
Q: I am 37 yrs old and every month I go through very painful ovulation pain that last sometimes till my period arrives. This pain wakes me up in the middle of the night and is comparable to giving birth cramps. I when to my OBY/GYN and she check and there is no tumors and everything seems normal. She suggest taking the pill but I tried it before and it only makes feel depressed and my breast feel very tender and swollen. I go crazy every month and in a very bad mood which reflects in my interaction with my friends and family. People don’t understand that this condition can drive me very mad. Does anyone goes through something similar?
A: Ovulation generally happens about 14 days before you start a period. It lasts about 1-2 days and then is over. I think you are experiencing extreme PMS that is just lasting for the two weeks. You might need some other kind of medication but birth control would stop ovulation and therefore help for a couple of days. See your doctor again and maybe she can come up with a new recommendation.sorry..
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