Why do you crave chocolate on your period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do you crave chocolate on your period”,you can compare them.

Chocolate contains a large amount of iron. Your body needs extra iron during your period, thus the craving for chocolate. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-you-crave-chocolate-on-your-period ]
More Answers to “Why do you crave chocolate on your period
Why do women crave chocolate during their period??
Craving chocolate during your period can be explained by the fact that chocolate contains a large amount of iron (more than in beef liver). Your body needs extra iron during this time, thus the craving. …I found this quite interesting, I …
Why do girls crave chocolate when they are on their period??
it has something to do with the amount of folic acid you lose when on your period, and the amount of folic acid in chocolate…idk its weird
How to handle chocolate cravings when on my period?
buy sugar free chocolate theirs a brand like russlestovers and im sure hersheys has one to

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

While you r on your period, why do u sometimes crave chocolate?
Q: my period has come yet….but every time it is about to come i always crave chocolate.is there a reason why??
A: Usually during your period, you appetite can increase greatly. It is just a form of PMS. It is neither good or bad, just something that you body wants. Certain cravings like chocolate are common, because they give you a sugar fix (:
Why do women crave chocolate before their period?
Q: I know some women crave different things, but a lot crave chocolate. I actually hate sweets, I’m a salty person, but right before my period (probably 1-2 days) I crave something sweet. Then I know my period must be coming because I actually hate sweets. But once my period starts, I could care less about eating a brownie or m&ms.So why do women crave chocolate, or anything else, before their period?
A: It has a chemical in it that is actually very close to estragen
why do women crave chocolate during their period?
Q: whenever I am near or on my period I crave choclate and all other kind of pastries and icecreams and desrets. I usually dont even like chocolate but when its that time Ive got to have it. I’ve heard alot of other women like chocolate around that time of the month. Is it true?
A: Depends on the woman, but its a common craving. I honestly can’t explain it myself, possibly due to raging hormones during that time. Chemical inbalance.
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