When is the most fertile time

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “When is the most fertile time”,you can compare them.

Most women are at the height of fertility two weeks prior to their period. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-is-the-most-fertile-time ]
More Answers to “When is the most fertile time
That is when you will generally ovulate (14 days before your next period). However, most women are fertile for 3-4 days (sometimes more) before ovulation and about 24-48 hours after ovulation.
The way to estimate your fertile time when you have regular cycles (whether long or short), is to subtract 16 days from the number of days in the cycle which gives the earliest day ovulation could happen. Within the four days after that day…
Theoretically, there’s only a short time when women can get pregnant, and that is the time around ovulation,” says Belfield. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when ovulation happens unless you’re practising fertility awareness. In most wom…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When is your most fertile time and how do you detect this?
Q: I would like to fall pregnant without the help of treatments, so I’m wondering when your most fertile time is and how you determine this? I’ve heard people say it’s when you’re ovulating, but I don’t know when that point of my cycle is.I’m a bit confused so if anyone could take me through it it would be appreciated!
A: most people will ovulate from approx days 10 – 15 during your typical normal cycle, so you count this from day 1 of bleeding.heavy cervical mucus, ovarian cramping, bloating and fluid retention are other ways to detect ovulation.if you do not get any signs then try using ovulation predictors as they may be able to pinpoint ovulation a little easier for you.goodluck to you
When was my most fertile time to conceive?
Q: I had a 2 day period 4 weeks ago, but had the egg white cervical mucus 3 days ago. Should I go by the mucus or time of last period?
A: I personally would use the ovulation predictor kits you can them the OTC at Walmart, Walgreens. If you are having trouble fiquring out when it is the time. It tells you. That way you can try during the right time. Do you have regular periods. Because you could actutally have a short period when you are pregnant. Some people have them.If you are not preg I would go with the kits.
when is the most fertile time?
Q: When is the most fertile time for a woman. Everyone keeps telling me different.
A: About 14 days after the first day of your period.
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