When is the best time to conceive

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “When is the best time to conceive”,you can compare them.

E best time to conceive is during ovulation or the 1-2 days prior to it. The newly released egg is fertile for 12-24 hrs cha cha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-is-the-best-time-to-conceive ]
More Answers to “When is the best time to conceive
The best time to conceive is during ovulation. To calculate when you ovulate count 14 days from the start of your period.
Ovulation is the most important part in getting pregnant, because it is the process of preparing the eggs for fertilization. If your body is not producing adequate hormones, you will not ovulate. When you ovulate, your ovary releases an egg…
Your best bet in pinpointing ovulation, and your most fertile time of the month, is to start charting and watching your fertility signs. Buy a basal thermometer and take your temp first thing every morning – at the same time every day – bef…

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Q: I’ve been trying to TTC since two months. I’ve been trying the calander system for my ovulation. But I’m still confused when is the best time to conceive. With the calander system I’ve had no luck. I had my last period on 6th march. Now when is the best time. Any good suggestions appreciated.Thanks
A: Best bet is to keep having sex 3x a week and keep track of your ovulation (you can buy an ovulation kit to predict). The most fertile days usually are 12-16 days after the day of your last period, but if you don’t know when you ovulate, this could be tough to predict.
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A: I’d say anywhere from Feb 23-27
When is the best time to start trying to conceive a child? Here is my info?
Q: When is the best time to start trying to conceive a child? Here is my info?Nov. 3, 2008Dec. 6, 2008Jan. 6, 2009Feb. 9, 2009(My cycle is about 30-33 days)What date should my partner and I have sex?
A: Daily from 22-27 will cover the bases of ovulation. Once per day only, as to build up sperm count. Also remain lying on back (with pillow underneath buttocks) for an hour afterwards to increase chances of conception.
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