When does your belly start getting big when pregnant

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That varies in all women. Most women begin to show in 4 months. It also depends on your current body structure. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-does-your-belly-start-getting-big-when-pregnant ]
More Answers to “When does your belly start getting big when pregnant
When your pregnant when do you start getting a big belly??
With my first I didn’t even start showing to almost 5 months. I’m 13 weeks with my 2nd and my pants are all tight and I have to unbutton them or start wearing lose clothes. Hope this helps!
When does your belly start to get big?
It’s different for everyone. If your friend is really slender, she may start showing in the next couple weeks. She could have a good sized “bump” by week 12, too. For me, I’m a bit chunkier, so I don’t actually look pregnant until…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When your pregnant when do you start getting a big belly??
Q: I’m 14 and 5 weeks pregnant!
A: With my first I didn’t even start showing to almost 5 months. I’m 13 weeks with my 2nd and my pants are all tight and I have to unbutton them or start wearing lose clothes. Hope this helps!
Does the bottom of your belly start showing first when pregnant?
Q: I am 18 weeks and not showing enough to know if I am carrying high or low. The bottom of my belly started getting bigger first but the top half has poofed a little. Am curious if you know right away how you will be carrying. thoughts?
A: Before you are pregnant your uterus is tucked inside your pelvis. As it grows it pokes out over your pelvic bone. You should start showing down low first. If there is anythong poking out at the top it could be because your uterus is pushing things up. At 18 weeks you can try and measure your uterus yourself. Lay on your back put a tape measure at the top of your pelvic bone. find the top of your uterus which should be just below or right at your bely button. You should be 1 centimeter for every week of pregnancy. I dont think you are considered carrying hight or low until farther along in your pregnancy.
When does a pregnant cat’s belly get big or start to show?
Q: We saw her mate several times about 6 weeks ago. Since then, she’s been on and off her food and alternates between sweet moods and then nippy ones.Her belly is only slightly rounded even though she should be 6 weeks along. Is that normal?Her teats are sticking out/swollenOcimom – she is a stray. Not really ours, she just hangs around our farm.
A: About 6-7 weeks they start, by 8 weeks up to time they give birth, they look like watermelons if carrying a lot of kittens.Please keep mom inside and do not let her out or around unneutered males when she is nursing – she WILL get pregnant almost immediately after giving birth.Spay her when the kittens are 8 weeks old.
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