What is considered full term for a pregnancy

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37 weeks is considered full term for a pregnancy. This means that if your baby arrives now, his lungs should be fully …MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-considered-full-term-for-a-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “What is considered full term for a pregnancy
What week(s) is considered full term for pregnancy?
I’ve always been told that at 37 weeks the baby is considered full term and can be delivered safely anywhere between the 37 week to the 42 week. I have included some websites also as I did a quick search and every site will tell you the sam…
How many weeks should you be at for your pregnancy to be consider…?
Between 36-38 weeks, you are considered full term. Any time before 34 weeks is too early to go into labor. Many complications can arise if you do go into labor before 34 weeks for not only the patient but the baby too. The doctor I work wit…
What is considered full term – Bub Hub Pregnancy & Parenting …?
I am also pregnant with monochorionic diamniotic twins and have been told that ‘full term’ for these kinds of twins are 37 weeks. But that it was common for them to be born between 32-34 weeks. Also told that due to sharing same placenta th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many weeks pregnant is considered a full term pregnancy?
Q: I’ve got a 12 month old daughter. I just couldnt remember if it was 36 or 37 weeks
A: A full term pregnancy is 37 weeks. Meaning if you go into labor before 37 weeks they will probably try and stop it depending on how far you are. If you are between 37-42 weeks you are full term and they will let you have the baby! 🙂
What week are you considered full term in pregnancy?
A: Full term is set at 40 weeks. However, a woman is considered ‘term’ at 37 weeks. Meaning, that she did not have the baby premature. Women often go PAST 40 weeks, and is not considered post-term until 42 weeks. (So ‘term’ can be from 37-42 weeks, and is normal and fine).
How many weeks should you be at for your pregnancy to be considered full term?
Q: …and when is it usually too early to go into labor?I also heard about women who had to be induced because they were about to become too far along. When would that happen?
A: 38 weeks is “full term” for a single birth if baby is big in the ultrasound or you are painfully uncomfortable. 36 weeks is “full term” for twins. if you are extremely uncomfortable or the ultrasound shows that the baby is really big talk to your doctor about inducing, 35-36 weeks is when they will send you home with a shot in the butt because you are too early. and the dr will choose to induce if the heart rate is getting slow or baby seems to be in stress it is not any set date.
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