What is a maternity leave

Health related question in topics Womens Health Careers Employment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a maternity leave”,you can compare them.

Maternity leave refers to the period of time that a new mother takes off from work following the birth of her baby. Do the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-maternity-leave ]
More Answers to “What is a maternity leave
Maternity leave is the time taken by a parent when expanding her family either through the birth or adoption of a child. Maternity leave is also known as family medical leave. In the United States, this leave often includes up to 6 weeks of…
Maternity leave is a period of leave given to women who are due to have a baby. Often it starts while the women is pregnant and before she has her baby. The ordinary maternity leave period will last for twenty-six weeks which may be followe…
Maternity leave is the time one takes slightly before and/or after the birth of a child to recover from birth and to care for the new child. People may also take maternity leave if they are adopting a child. Often, in the US, the term mater…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How exactly does maternity leave work in canada?
Q: I’m going on Maternity Leave in November. I was wondering how exactly does it work in British Columbia? I keep getting it confused with E.I. benefits or whatever. How does it work?
A: This may help…http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/lp/spila/wlb/wfp/11Maternity_Leave.shtmlIf you have any questions it would be best to call “unemployment”.
How long should I take for maternity leave?
Q: I am due September 17th and I am planning on working till about two weeks or a week before. And I was going to take maternity leave through Dec. and come back in mid-January. My husband has a full time job so money will wont be an issue during that time. Is that too long of a maternity leave? How long did you take?
A: you should take whats right for you and your family.
When are you leaving work on maternity leave?
Q: I am nearly 30 weeks and my work is asking when i am going to resign as I am not entitled to maternity leave.I am sick of working already and am getting really big and uncomfortable right now ( as many of you understand) and think I will leave in four weeks. 6 weeks before I am due. We have to movwe house if not done by then already and set up all the nursery and I would really love some time to sleep and just put my feet up…..What do you think>?What is everyone else doing?
A: Most people take leave between 7 1/2-8 months Which gives you enough time for nesting stage and relaxation while it lasts.
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