What does cause a miscarrige

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Really wacky hormones, reproductive track abnormalities, infections, and trauma among other things can cause miscarriage. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-cause-a-miscarrige ]
More Answers to “What does cause a miscarrige
Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester (12 weeks) of pregnancy and are the result of chromosomal abnormalities in the developing embryo. These chromosomal abnormalities prevent the embryo from developing normally and the body sponta…
While we can’t point directly to items that cause a miscarriage, we can examine the factors that might make one more likely. Age is certainly a factor, as women over 35 have a higher risk, and women whose partner is over 40 also increase th…
There are a number of factors that may increase a miscarriage, although none of them can be pointed to as the absolute cause of a miscarriage you may have. Your age certainly can be a factor. Women who are older than 35 are at higher risk o…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does having sleeping problems cause u to miscarrige?
Q: I have sleeping problems. Not any! It’s kindda weird! Every night, with no exception, I have to do something while sleeping. My husband is getting scared from me! LOL! seriously.. I either scream, wake up and look around saying that someone is in the room, or some times I even wake up my hubby screaming that I am seeing something bad! I even sit with no feelings and my husband would make me sleep again. I dont know what is it with this problem, but I have been having it since years!Would this cause miscarriage?
A: No. Don’t panick. You will be OK and your baby is F I N E.I am surprised you are worried most pregnant women read a mountain of books trying to find out what is going on and what is normal – I bet you have too huh. Anyway according to what I have read, most pregnant women can be “really” loopy and worry alot about their baby and things which are going on – there is no need, this is just the baby’s way of ensuring mum is ok and so that they will be alright too.Sleeping problems are a common feature in late second trimester and all the way during the third.. Dont panick… but you could try doing a few things to change your sleeping patterns – take a bath before bed, meditate.. be positive about it though. It is nothing to worry about.
can getting extremly mad cause a miscarrige four weeks into pregnanacy?
Q: i am about four weeks pregnant and i just got extremly mad at my husband. i broke things and was yelling . this anger lasted about 3 hours. can i have a miscarrigae because of it?
A: Not likely. If you miscarry that early it is due to the fact that the baby was not developed correctly and would not develop correctly.
Can excessive josteling in early pregnancy cause miscarrige?
Q: I am 5 weeks pregnant and we went apple picking today …anyways we went on this hay ride from hell which was so super bumpy ( like I mean everyone was freaking out how bumpy it was) and now I am a bit worried this may have caused some damage to the baby . I feel okay and no bleeding but I have had 2 miscarriages in the last year and I am just a little worried.
A: This seems to be another pregnancy myth.My in-laws were always saying crazy stuff about me not jumping on a trampoline and about my shirt (if it looked tight to them)that it was going to harm the baby!You’ll be fine, if you are really scared why not call and speak to your Dr.Good luck:)
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