What are the ingredients in prenatal vitamins

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Some other things in prenatals can be vitamin A, D, C, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacinamide, B12, vitamin E, and zinc. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-ingredients-in-prenatal-vitamins ]
More Answers to “What are the ingredients in prenatal vitamins
Why do some prenatal vitamins have soooo much of certain ingredie…?
Those RDAs are the minimum for a non-pregnant woman. A pregnant woman needs more of certain nutrients than a non-pregnant woman. That said, don’t take more than 80,000IU of Vitamin A per day (and consider your diet in that, as well.) As che…
What is the ingredient in prenatal vitamins that makes your hair …?
There have been isolated reports of pregnant women who, while taking prenatal vitamins, have noticed an increase in their hair growth and thickness. However, there are still no formal scientific studies to confirm that this is actually the …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do some prenatal vitamins have soooo much of certain ingredients, and is this dangerous?
Q: I take Trader Joe’s prenatal vitamins and have noticed that for some of the ingredients, like vit A and a bunch of the B vitamins, it has like 300% or 400% of the recommended daily value of that particular vitamin. Isn’t it dangerous to have too much of fat-soluble vitamins and if so why would they put this in a prenatal vitamin?
A: Those RDAs are the minimum for a non-pregnant woman. A pregnant woman needs more of certain nutrients than a non-pregnant woman. That said, don’t take more than 80,000IU of Vitamin A per day (and consider your diet in that, as well.)As cheap and easily available as TJ’s prenatals are, the best vitamins are whole food sourced ones. I would recommend New Chapter Organic’s Perfect Prenatal. Whole food source vitamins are much more bioavailable (like, as much as 80% more) than synthetic ones.http://www.newchapter.com/products/perfect-prenatalhttp://www.amazon.com/New-Chapter-Perfect-Prenatal-tabs/dp/B001B0OOLOGood luck!
We´re trying to conceive. What ingredients are in your prenatal vitamins?
Q: I am an American living in Germany with my husband, and we are trying to conceive. I used pre-natal vitamins from Wal-Mart before we married, but forgot the bottle at my sister´s home. She has 4 kids, and I don´t want to ask her to ship the bottle, so I´ll get some from E-bay. We did buy some at a local drugstore here, but it´s a tablet that you drop in water like Alka Seltzer, and tastes like Tang-I HATE TANG.Are you taking pre-natal vitamins, and if so, per tablet, how much folic acid and iron do they contain?
A: I also use Prima Care, but they are perscribed. Honestly, I’d just ask you sister to ship some. If my sister were stationed in Germany I’d be happy to send anything she needed or wanted!!For info on how much of what you need during pregnancy I found the March of Dimes to be helpful:http://www.marchofdimes.com/Here’s an article on vitamins, but there are many more too.http://search.marchofdimes.com/cgi-bin/MsmGo.exe?grab_id=0&page_id=494&query=pregnancy%20vitamins&hiword=PREGNANCIES%20PREGNANCYS%20PREGNANT%20VITAMIN%20pregnancy%20vitamins%20
Prenatal vitamins contain fish ingredients…is this safe?
Q: Im 37 weeks pregnant and was given Prenatal S vitamins since I had ran out of the one I got from my hospital.This one contains fish ingredients (cod,pollock,hake,husk,redfish,sole and flounder).Is this safe??I was told not to eat seafood while pregnant so why was I given prenatal vitamins that contained fish??Do these fishes contain mercury?
A: it is safe to eat small fish while pregnant, in fact, once a week is recommended. Small fish being cod, flounder, sole, etc. If you eat tuna, do NOT eat albacore though – as it is a larger fish. Shark, Salmon, etc are NOT safe either because they contain high levels of mercury – something that is not safe. I don’t eat seafood on any level & was recommended the same thing as yourself (prenatals w/fish oils) and I have had 3 beautiful & perfect (aren’t they all though?) children. If you’re concerned though, I would talk to your doctor about it.EDIT: Diego’s Mommy is partially correct… Albacore tuna is a large ocean fish… it is NOT ok during pregnancy. Regular tuna is however, safe. Also, I’d like to say good luck to ALL the Mommy’s who have answered this question. I know fish & pregnancy is a big controversy… your best bet is to talk to your doctor; obviously someone you trust. 🙂
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