What are all the side affects of taking birth control

Health related question in topics Womens Health Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What are all the side affects of taking birth control”,you can compare them.

What type of birth control are you referring to? The side effects vary by type. Keep asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-the-side-affects-of-taking-birth-control ]
More Answers to “What are all the side affects of taking birth control
What are the side affects for taking birth control at a young age…?
As far as i know there arent any side effects at all with taking it young. People go on it young for just the period and if it had bad side affects they wouldnt let them. Also a good thing is you always know when your period will be you won…
What are the side affects/complications of a 13 year old taking b…?
Thats hard to imagine your girl taking that already in your head, sorry. I have seen this first hand alot of woman gain weight and break out. I saw that with my gf but she was older (4 years) its the same for all ages. I did notice to that …
Does taking the birth control in the morning give you more side a…?
Test it your self. One month in the morning, then one month in the evening!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the side affects for taking birth control at a young age?
Q: what r the up and down sides to birth control
A: As far as i know there arent any side effects at all with taking it young. People go on it young for just the period and if it had bad side affects they wouldnt let them. Also a good thing is you always know when your period will be you won’t get pregnant if you use it right and you can skip a period if you have a special dance or something going on.
There are so many side affects to birth control, are they worth taking?
Q: There are so many side affects like nausea, headache, dizzyness, hotflashes, weight gain……………
A: I have horrible side effects with almost any drug. My first month on BC I was on the lowest hormone dose possible and still had awful side effects. I was depressed, nauseated, etc. But as soon as I hit my second month I was back to normal. It is so worth putting up with it. I have been on it for 3 years now and love it. Fewer cramps, shorter periods, regular periods, no babies to worry about :)I def recommend it. Some people aren’t as sensitive as me and ortho lo works really well and most people don’t suffer any side effects from it.
Skipping a period with birth control side affects?
Q: I took my birth control two months in a row after asking my doctor. I’ve been on it for a year and this was the first time i used it like this. When it came time for my normal period again the week before i woke up with horrible pain and this thick brown “period” it was horrible the pain stayed for a whole 5 days.(period cramps but more intense) and the thick brown discharge came and went througout the days. The week after i got my normal period.I went to my doctor but he really didn’t say much about it. Was this due to my birth control or could it have been a miscarrige. Im fine now and its never happened again
A: i’ve done that too one time. that happened to me too. i think your fine though but skipping it just doesnt seem natural. periods are good for you. they are your bodies way of cleaning house…..i think it could get nasty in there. but i’m not a doctor, just a fellow girlgood luck
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