Is spotting normal during the first trimester of pregnancy

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Call your doctor or midwife right away, even if the bleeding seems to have stopped. ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is spotting normal during the first trimester of pregnancy
Is it normal to spot and cramp during first trimester of pregnanc…?
All i know is that while pregnant, the slightest concerns should be communicated with your doctor. I’m 8w pregnant, at week 5 i started spotting and cramping, it scared me, so i contacted the doctor, they asked me to go to ER. after an Ecog…
Is it normal to have light spotting after sex during late 1st tri…?
During pregnancy the cervix is very sensitive and engorged. Any touch can sometimes cause spotting. She should monitor it very closely and call her dr if she gets concerned.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Spotting during first trimester of pregnancy is tht normal for some people?
A: Spotting during first two months is common.I was having that in my first two months.You dont need to worry about that.But you should check the amount of blood and its colour if it is fleash blood then you should consult a doctor.Other wise it ok.I am currently 5 months pregnats and i had spottings continuously for 2 months and stopped.I had my scan at 12 weeks my baby is perfecctly fine jumping and rolling inside heheheehe.Wait to see that.Actually doctors have nothing to do with spotting in first two months becoz untill two months they wont consider the womb as fetus.Every time i consulted the doctor then atlast she said if a miss carriage happens nothing can be done.All the best and take crae really well.Dont lift any weight and dont do a hard jobs just push it 3 months off. Take care once again.All the best
Is it normal for a woman to spot (very light brownish bleeding) during the first trimester of pregnancy?
Q: spotting=light brownish occasional bleeding. my doctor told me to refrain from sex for a little while. I’m nervous because although it hasn’t been heavy spotting or bleeding, this is my first pregnancy and i want everything to go smoothly…I’m 6 weeks prego.
A: I have a nine week old and had spotting the entire pregnancy. Implantation bleeding can be very normal. I had a wonderful Doctor who sent me for a sonogram at 7 weeks and we saw his little heartbeat, very reassuring that everything was OK. I also had the same with my daughter who is now 7. Do try and slow down and my doctor always recommended pelvic rest.
Is it normal to have light spotting after sex during late 1st trimester of pregnancy?
Q: My girlfriend is 11 weeks pregnant and recently we had intercourse and afterwards she went to the bathroom and showed me a little bit of blood on toilet paper. It was very light pink and not much at all. Just a lil concerned.
A: During pregnancy the cervix is very sensitive and engorged. Any touch can sometimes cause spotting. She should monitor it very closely and call her dr if she gets concerned.
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