Is pulling out an affective method of birth control

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Withdrawal is 73-96% effective for birth control, depending on the male partner’s self-knowledge and self-control. Thanks! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is pulling out an affective method of birth control
Is pulling out a good method of birth control?
No, the “pulling out” method is extremely risky, and rarely does it ever work. The most effective method of birth control is abstaining from sexual intercourse. If sperm is not introduced to a woman’s uterus, a woman cannot get pr…
Can I still get pregnant if we use the “pulling out” me…?
Yes. Seminal fluid (the fluid that occurs prior to ejaculation) contains sperm and if the timing is right (meaning you are ovulating) then you can get pregnant using this method. Remember it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.
What percentage of 14-year-old girls get pregant by using the pul…?
“Pulling Out” does not stop pregnancy, mainly because pre-seminal (pre-cum: Which can still get the female pregnant) fluid could still enter the vagina and lead to pregnancy. Always wear a condom during sexual intorcourse to preve…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How affective is is pulling out as a birth control method?
Q: I know that some comes out prior to ejactulation, so that may be an issue. But how likely is it to get pregnant if this is the only “birth contol” being used.
A: Hu…….Ask my kids!
how affective is the withdraw method for “birth control”.. personal experience preferred… ?
Q: we are not actively “trying” to get pregnant, but wouldn’t necessarily be devastated if it happened.. just trying to see what is the likelyhood of pregnancy with frequent intercourse but using the pull out method… thank you.I don’t want to control birth.. I am just wondering, cuz HE, not me, pulls out.. I guess force of habit.. I wish he wouldn’t.. kinda why I asked this questions.. wanted to know the likleyhood of getting pregnant. We are engaged and own our own home.. I’m not 18 I’m 28… not trying to avoid pregnancy.
A: Not effective. I felt the same way. If it happens it happens and guess what it happened pretty quickly-probably within a couple of months for both my children.
Whats the possibility of pregnancy if I used the pull out method ?
Q: I have never used the pull out method before so this is all new to me, Last Thursday night my man and i used the pull out method. He had already started to ejaculate inside me as he was pulling out. Thursday i started to ovulate (day 14) what are my chances of pregnancy or how affective is this method of birth control ? any suggestions or comments are very helpful, thank you .
A: You had sperm in you and you started to ovulate, and as sperm can live for a few days….I would say there is a good chance you will become pregnant.The pull out method shouldn’t even be considered birth control, because pre-ejaculate contains sperm…Please use a condom and regular birth control if you don’t want to have a baby.
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