Is it harder to get pregnant on your period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it harder to get pregnant on your period”,you can compare them.

It’s possible – but unlikely. You’d have to have a very short menstrual cycle, which is the time from the first day of MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it harder to get pregnant on your period
Is it harder to get pregnant with irregulart periods??
Are your cycles just longer than the normal 28 days? Or are they very inconsistent? After I had my first child my periods were very irregular_I would have a period and then not have one for three months and then have two normal cycles and…
Is the day before your period the hardest time of the month to ge…?
YOU KNOW- It’s way harder to get pregnant when you use a CONDOM. Quit chancing it and wrap your package already. sheesh.
Will i get pregnant if i have irregular periods an will it be har…?
My friend has her period about four times a year and she got pregnant while on bc after being told by a doctor that she didn’t ovulate. You might want to try seeing an obgyn instead of a GP only because they specialize in women’s health. An…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it easier or harder to become pregnant when having your period?
Q: Thanks so much! 🙂
A: almost impossible to get pregnant because you will not ovulate for around two weeks and sperm generally live up to 9 days max. so i would say harder. if you want to get pregnant try having sex around two weeks after your period.
is it harder to get pregnant when your period is never regular?
A: It can be, just because you don’t know when you generally ovulate. You would just need to try more often throughout the month…could be fun! Good luck, and if you haven’t already, start tracking your cycle to try to find some idea as to when you will ovulate.
Dont get my period that many times a year, harder to get pregnant?
Q: My periods are weird and irregular(Im 16 years old) and sometimes they come every 2 months or sometimes even 3…4, or idk i can’t ever tell? I still have discharges though or ovalulate whatever you call it. So my friend told me that since i dont get my period often, it would be harder for me to have kids or get pregnant?Is this true?
A: This would definitely be worth consulting your doctor over. If you’re having a longer cycle, and ovulating less frequently, yes, you will have fewer opportunities to get pregnant. This does not imply any sort of infertility. It’s just that you’re not releasing as many eggs as a woman with a regular cycle. We only usually ovulate one egg once per cycle, not with every bit of discharge that we have. And, unless you experience and track your ovulation symptoms (increase in Basal temperature, changes in cervical mucous), it’s hard to know when we’re actually ovulating. Considering that you’re only sixteen, you may just still be experiencing irregular cycles. That’s totally normal early on. Some women’s cycles don’t regulate until their late 20s. Some women never experience a regular cycle. There’s no reason to be concerned about your ability to get pregnant at this point. If in a few years your cycle still hasn’t regulated, make an appointment for your first pelvic exam and let them know that you’re having irregular periods. However, if you’re interested in regulating your cycle, you can make an appointment to get on birth control, which often regulates women’s cycles.Best of luck to you!
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