How should you sleep when your pregnant

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Doctors recommend sleeping on your left side while pregnant for maximum blood flow to the baby, & improve kidney function for mom. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How should you sleep when your pregnant
How to sleep when your pregnant?
The baby will tell you when he is not comfortable with the possition you have so you will have to move to another position. But if it helps they sell this pillow that is very cool. You may want to try it.
Weeks pregnant and all I want to do is sleep – why is this??
Every pregnancy is different and this child could also be another sex then what you have had before which can also make the pregnancy different. I was also as you discribed, mine did pass and I got energized. I also did alot of exercise, to…
How should pregnant women sleep?
Lying on your side with your tummy supported with a pillow is best. Stomach sleeping is usually impossible anyway, and lying flat on your back for an extended period of time risks compressing important blood vessels.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I’ve read that you should sleep on your left side when pregnant?
Q: When exactly in your pregnancy should you start doing that?
A: You don’t HAVE to sleep on your left side. It’s just a little better for circulation to the uterus and placenta. If you sleep on your right it will NOT harm your child. The most important thing is to try to avoid sleeping flat on your back starting from about the middle of the second trimester on, as the weight of the baby can compress the inferior vena cava, the largest vein which returns blood to your heart. It can cause a drop in blood pressure and make you feel sick – but again, it’s not going to harm your child. Many women cannot control what position they are in when sleeping and wake up on their back and freak out, which is totally unnecessary. Left is preferred, not required, that’s it.
How important is it to lie on your lie side to sleep when pregnant?
Q: I’ve been told I must sleep on my left side, and not on my back as it cuts off circulation to the baby, I’m worried because I go to sleep on my left but wake up through the night on my back. Will it harm the baby? I’m 17 weeks pregnant.
A: no, you’re not going to hurt your baby! At some point laying on your side is going to be what’s most comfortable, and that’s the point where it because more important. They recommend your left side because of a large vein that runs in your right leg.I’ve had four kids, and they’re all fine, and I slept on my back tooIf you’re really worried about it….Toys’r’us has a C-pillow, for pregnant women. I always wanted one, they look SO luxurious. They run about 50 dollars. It will tuck under your head, run down your back, and then curve up between your knees. Heck I wouldn’t mind having one now!
How to sleep when your pregnant?
Q: Well, I will be 12 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I was starting to get worried. I hear people say not to sleep on your stomach, or your back, sleep only on your left side. When does that need to start taking place? The only way I can sleep is laying on my right side, or on my stomach with my hand under my belly (sounds weird I know, lol) Is it really that dangerous to sleep that way? How far along are you when you need to stop sleeping on your stomach/back/etc?thanks!
A: The baby will tell you when he is not comfortable with the possition you have so you will have to move to another position. But if it helps they sell this pillow that is very cool.You may want to try it.
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