How many weeks does it take to find out your pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How many weeks does it take to find out your pregnant”,you can compare them.

The earliest tests can now detect pregnancy at around 10 days after ovulation. However, a negative can still result in early weeks [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many weeks does it take to find out your pregnant
How many days/weeks to take to find out your pregnant??
It can take up to 2 weeks after your period is due or for some women even longer for your body to produce enough pregnancy hormone to be detected by a home pregnancy test. Wait until you’re at least a few days late for your period before re…
Did you take the blood test at 16 weeks to find out if your pregn…?
the blood test will not harm you or the baby,yes i have also heard that the test are not always 100% regardless if the blood test come back positive or negative they will do the u/s anywhere between your 18-22 weeks depending on your dr,thi…
Can you find out your pregnant at 3 weeks !
Yes, 3 weeks past conception (aka gestational). Not 3 weeks per the doctors calculations though. The doc always calculates based on your last period. Hypothetically speaking if it was 3 weeks past conception then you’d be 5 weeks pregnant. …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many days/weeks to take to find out your pregnant?
Q: I had unprotected sex with my bf like 2 weeks ago and my period is supposed to be due sometime this week….I couldn’t wait till later this week so I took a pregnancy test….it came out negative….i know to see if your pregnant the hormone shows up in the urine but how long does it take for the hormone to be recognized?
A: It can take up to 2 weeks after your period is due or for some women even longer for your body to produce enough pregnancy hormone to be detected by a home pregnancy test. Wait until you’re at least a few days late for your period before retesting.
How many weeks pregnant before you can find out what sex your baby is?
Q: Im not pregnant i just Wondered that all
A: Some do a ultrasound at 20 weeks, that was when they did mine but Lily wouldn’t show us, LOL. Wait at least 20 weeks so that the baby is formed down there, you dont wanna do everything in Boy and have a girl. The longer you wait the better the pic and more sure the doctor is that they are seeing it right. If you can afford it, go have a 3d or 4d ultrasound done, that is what I did after lily wouldn’t let us see and found out I was having a girl. Wonderful face pics also.
when does your belly start to form when you find out your 5 weeks pregnant?
A: In my first pregnancy, I didn’t show until into the 5th month. It was earlier for the 2nd pregnancy.
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