How late can a period be

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How late can a period be”,you can compare them.

A menstrual period is considered late if it is 5 or more days overdue according to your usual pattern of periods. A period MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How late can a period be
I have known women to not get a period for a year and not be pregnant.
Some women don’t get regular periods at all…..I knew a woman, who was a ballet dancer, and because she was so athletic and slim, she didn’t get her period at all. Also, some women take the birth control pill every day (skip the sugar pill…
Don’t worry. It most likely your hormones, which are always changing. Are you under stress? Usually, stress can affect the balance of your hormones and it can cause your period to come a few days, to even a month, late. A drastic change …

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Q: I am on a birth control pill called Yaz. I take my pill around the same time but sometimes I am late or early within half an hour to an hour. I started to spot 4 days early before my sugar pills and my period. How can I get it to go back to normal?
A: You know I think it’s just Yaz, I’m on it too and mine started two days before I started the sugar pills and I’ve read online it happening to other people! I don’t really know what advice to give on it, but I can assure you I’ve read birth control is okay if you take it at least once a day and don’t miss a pill, so being a little off won’t mess you up as long a you’re taking it!
How do you know the difference between a miscarriage, chemical pregnancy, or just plain late period?
Q: I took a pregnancy test 1 day after my missed period – negative.My period ended up showing up 3 days later with cramps (nothing bad, just normal period cramps). How do I know if I had a chemical pregnancy, miscarriage, or simply a late period?If you have a chemical pregnancy or miscarriage only a few days after your missed period, is there a need to wait until trying to get pregnant again?
A: If it were a pregnancy.. it would have shown a positive. Even if you were in the process of a miscarriage. Because it takes awhile for the hormones to go back down.
possible to tell the difference between late period and early miscarriage?
Q: I expected my period six days ago, and now Ive started bleeding 🙁 I was pretty sure I was there any way to know whether I am having an early miscarriage and not just a late period?I am very sad today so be nice to me.
A: This is the case for me, too. My period started this morning, 6-7 days after I expected my period. It may have been a chemical pregnancy for me. I am very, very upset, and I was really thinking I was pregnant. I did take a test this morning, and swear there was a faint + line, as did my husband. I don’t know, but I think I am bleeding too much.
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