Can you only get pregnant on ovulation days

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you only get pregnant on ovulation days”,you can compare them.

You can get pregnant a few days before and after ovulation. The egg lives for about 2days and sperm lives for 3-7days. ChaCha on [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you only get pregnant on ovulation days
Can you only get pregnant on your ovulation day?
No. If you have sex up to 5 days before ovulation, you can get pregnant. Sperm can live inside the female reproductive tract for 6 days if the women have healthy cervical mucus (cm) but most only survive for 3 days. Your most fertile day is…
Can a woman only get pregnant during ovulation days??
yes you can get pregnant at anytime during your cycle….its just not as easy after your ovulation finishes because the egg has died out and your body is getting ready to be rid of the remains (hence your period). but before ovulation may b…
Could you get pregnant on ovulation day only?
No. From about 2 days prior to ovulation to about 2 days after ovulation is the most likely time to get pregnant… “Sperm are thought to retain fertilizing capability for up to 48 hours once they have entered the female genital tract,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a woman only get pregnant during ovulation days?
Q: Can a woman ONLY get pregnant during her ovulation days? I did an ovulation calendar for myself because I am ttc. It will be the 1st time I get pregnant but I would like to know if I could only get pregnant during those 5 ovulation days? Because its kind of funny, what happens to the other 25 or so days of the month? Cant make babies on those other days? It’s kind of frustrating having only 5 days out of the month.
A: yes you can get pregnant at anytime during your cycle….its just not as easy after your ovulation finishes because the egg has died out and your body is getting ready to be rid of the remains (hence your period). but before ovulation may be slightly easier because that is when the egg is newly forming, or has almost matured, its just depending on how many days before the ovulation that a woman has had intercourse since sperm can live up 7 days inside a woman….and ovulation may occur during anytime and occasionally more than once.
this question is for pregnant woman who had sex only on the ovulation days?
Q: if you had sex only on your ovulation days and got pregnant what is the sex of your baby?i read that if you have sex on the ovulation day that you will most probably get pregnant with a baby boy because the egg is released and the boy sperms are faster swimmers..let’s see if this is true?
A: I did and it was a boy!!!LOL
can I get pregnant 6 days after ovulation? And if so what more than likely will be the sex of the child?
A: It’s possible but unlikely since the egg usually only lives for 12-24 hours during ovulation. Sperm can live for 3-5 days making you fertile for about 5-7 days depending on how you ovulate. Now on to the gender. To put it simply, there are two kinds of sperm–X-sperm and Y-sperm. The egg is X. To produce a female, an X-sperm has to reach the egg making it XX. To produce a male, a Y-sperm has to reach the egg, making it XY. Research has shown that the Y-sperm moves faster but dies quickly. X-sperm move more slowly but live longer. Therefore if you’d like to try for a girl, try having intercourse 2-4 days before ovulation. For a boy, have intercourse the day before, the day of and the day after ovulation. This worked for both of my children..I have a boy and a girl and one on the way that will probably be a girl 🙂
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