Can you get a girl pregnant while she is on her period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get a girl pregnant while she is on her period”,you can compare them.

Yes, a girl can still get pregnant while she is in her period. However, the chances are less likely but still possible. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get a girl pregnant while she is on her period
Can a girl get pregnant while she’s on her period?
A lot of people think that if a girl has sex during her period, she can’t get pregnant. But it is possible for a girl to get pregnant while she is bleeding. This can happen for a couple of reasons: * Not all vaginal bleeding is the result o…
Can pre-ejaculate get a girl pregnant while she is on her period??
A girl can get pregnant any day of the month, period or no period. Pre-ejaculate does contain sperm, while it is unlikely the pre-ejaculate will get you pregnant, it can happen.
Is it easier to get a girl pregnant while she is on her menstrual…?
becoming pregnant during menstruation Usually a woman ovulates on the 14th day of her cycle thats when she is most fertile. It’s rare for women to get pregnant while mentruating but not impossible, depending on how long her cycle is. Some w…

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Can a girl get pregnant while she is on her period while using the pill?
Q: She is on her 4th day of her period and we were curious what the likelyhood of her getting pregnant would be. I would like to know where you got the answer so i could read up on it some more. figured we would ask instead of do it and find out the answer later.clearly some people are using this as an opportunity to attack our belief system, if you do choose to be one of these individuals, you will be reported and blocked from the question. I dont need any of the religious crap. just the facts. I know it maybe hard for evangelical republican christians, but facts are whats important. to those that are honestly answering this question that you alot for your input, you are helping out alot.
A: If she has been taking the pills properly, and they are working correctly within her body, she is as protected during her period as she is the rest of the month. Read the insert that comes with the pills.The period a girl gets while on the pill is not a true period. The hormone progesterone in the pill makes the body think it is pregnant, thereby shutting down the ovaries and building up the uterine lining. During the week of inactive pills, the drop in progesterone level makes the body think it has had a miscarriage, and to shed the uterine lining.
Is it possible to get a girl pregnant while she is on her period?
Q: I know this is gross but I need to know.
A: Dick !Women can get pregnant while on their period. If she ovulates for example on days 8 through 10 of your cycle, she may get pregnant ‘while on your period’ meaning if she have intercourse after day 5 of her cycle, when she may still be bleeding. This is more common in women with shorter cycles. Having a period will not ‘wash’ sperm from the cervix or prevent pregnancy if your body releases a mature egg at ovulation.She may find it more difficult to detect cervical mucous changes while on your period. Some women have fertile cervical mucous that starts on or around the time of their period without realizing it because they are bleeding. For more visit free websitehttp://pregnancyguidelines.blogspot.com know about first sign of pregnancy, pregnancy information, symptoms of pregnancy. If the results says that you are not pregnant still you can have a lot of info here about how to get pregnant fast and about baby gender selection
Is it possible for a girl to get pregnant while she is having her period?
Q: I just met this girl at the beginning of June and we just found out shes pregnant. Im excited and this girl is really cool so im happy even though this wasnt really expected. She had her period around june 13th or 14th. If we had sex the day before her period is it possible that she could have conceived during her period?I am planning to get a DNA test but that can only be done after the baby is born so Im kind of stuck until then I guess. Does anyone know how much the test costs?
A: It is possible , but very unlikely. Ovulation typically occurs about half way between periods, but if the periods are irregular, it is possible.
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