Can the doctor tell you what day you got pregnant

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A doctor cannot tell which day you got pregnant, but they can narrow it down to about a two week period. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can the doctor tell you what day you got pregnant
Can a Dr tell what day u got pregnant exactly ??
no but pretty close, based on your last period and if you get an early ultraound to see how far along you are. They told me i most likely conceived on the 16th of august and they were dead on, that was the only day we had sex! so unless you…

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Can a Doctor’s estimation of the day a girl became pregnant be wrong?
Q: A girl I was with told me she got pregnant from me & had to get an abortion. She said the doctor told her the day she conceived & it was not the day I was with her. My question is: Can that date be off? I’ve heard the dates they give are pretty accurate. Any clarification on this would be great. I don’t want to be involved with anything I shouldn’t be. Thanks!She did have an ultrasound doneShe was also less than 2 months
A: If she had an ultrasound and was dated by that.. and she was under 2 months pregnant.. it could be off by a few days.. but not more than a week. At that stage gestationally.. the embryos are very uniform in size at the certain stages..Edit: This is assuming she has a good doctor! Some might just look at her last missed period and guess from when she probably ovulated. If my doctor did that for my pregnancy instead of an internal ultrasound he would of been weeks off!
Can a doctor tell 10 days after you have sex if you are pregnant?
Q: If you Get a blood test done, can you tell 10 days after you have sex.i have been feeling like im going to get sick every so often,i havent had my period.My nipples are beginning to get darker. Is this any signs of pregnancy? And im going to the doctor Wed for my app. i was going to have them do a blood test then, will they be able to tell if i am?
A: You shouldn’t be due for your period yet after 10 days, it is usually 2 weeks after sex that your period will be due but it all depends on your body. You may not have high enough hormone levels to be detected for another week or two.
when doctors tell a pregnant woman the day they concieved how accurate are they?
Q: do they get it spot on 100% everytime?well the doctors said my gf concieved the 1st of april, but had sex with my gf on the 31st of march and the 2nd april, so its not unusual for it to be wrong by a few days?
A: Nothing is 100% and i can say that they can tell you how far the baby is. Which gives you a round about time. With all of mine the dr would give a round about and generally it was right the thing is even ultrasounds and the dates they give have that + or – X amount of days. So 100% no but VERY VERY close with in a close time frame. If the dr said the 15th and you had sex the 12 and the 17th but no other time then you know it was probably the range thing. But you have to give time between the date of “sex” and the fact the egg doesnt implant INSTANTLY..
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