Are pregnancy tests always accurate

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Are pregnancy tests always accurate”,you can compare them.

Pregnancy tests are 99 percent accurate.The most accurate way to tell if you are pregnant is to get blood work done at the Doctor. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are pregnancy tests always accurate
I have never had an inaccurate pregnancy test. I am pregnant with my second child and with each of my children I took two test. I’ve heard of people having a false positive result from medication containing hcg. And I’ve heard of people hav…
No not all the time that’s why if you miss your period and don’t start within a couple weeks and get negative home tests you should get a blood test. Even if you get a postitve test you should still get a blood test to confirm it. Hope this…
Over-the-counter pregnancy tests look for the presence of the “pregnancy hormone” in your urine. The test you receive later in your doctor’s office looks for the same hormone in your blood. The hormone is called human chorionic go…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

are pregnancy tests always accurate?
Q: are pregnancy tests always accurate? just wondering.oh btw, im young…. seone else took it. :]
A: No not all the time that’s why if you miss your period and don’t start within a couple weeks and get negative home tests you should get a blood test. Even if you get a postitve test you should still get a blood test to confirm it. Hope this helped!
Is a blood test for pregnancy always accurate?
Q: I took a blood test two weeks after conception, and a home pregnancy test, but still I have not gotten my period, I am over a week due. Could my negative test be accurate?
A: Blood tests are the most accurate tests out there. That is 100% over any preg. test.
Are home pregnancy tests always accurate??
Q: I took two home pregnancy tests and the result was negative. But my period is two weeks late and its never been late before. Should I take a blood test?
A: usually, take it 2 times to be sure. good luck!!
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