Never had period naturally.. Capable of pregnancy?

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Hi, if a woman did not have period until age 19, and goes to see doctor. Doctors checks everything including brain scans. Everything checks out normal. Doctors then go ahead and suggest her taking birth control pill Alesse. From then on, she has been having regular and normal periods. Is it likely that she will be capable of natural pregnancy? Doctor did say if she ever wnated to have baby, go see her and he will administer some type of shot on her. Any comments ? insights ?
More Answers to “Never had period naturally.. Capable of pregnancy?
It all depends on if the woman is ovulating. The bleeding she is experiencing the birth control pills is breakthrough bleeding that happens when you are taking the week of inactive pills at the end of your pack. Birth control pills suppress ovulation which is what protects against pregnancy. They also can help level out a hormonal imbalance that was probably causing the lack of bleeding. The shot the Dr. was talking about was probably a medication like Clomid that induces ovulation in women who do not ovulate on their own. Most women, who are NOT taking birth cotnrol pills, ovulate between days 10 and 14 of their cycle. Some earlier, some later, but if you’re not ovulating at all, sometimes it can be induced by one of these injectible medications your Dr. can offer. So, yes, pregnancy can still be possible, even if she’s never had a period, however, there could be bigger fertility issues in the works here that may require further testing if the Clomid doesn’t work.
possible, but more unlikely. Go see a fertility doctor.
sometimes if your under weight or over weight you wont get your period until later on is this the case ?i guess since the doctor did mention shot first you have to have a shot.
Well the period she is having is called a “pill period” it isn’t real ovulation. You body reacts to the lack of hormones(the non-active pills) by bleeding. But maybe the doctor thinks this will throw her into a normal cycle, good luck!
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