Women who have had children only please?

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I just had my third child. I also got a tubal ligation. I know its normal to bleed for weeks after the delivery but today this very dark brown stuff came out of me. I never experienced this before. I was just thinking the blood was going to stop because it started fading in color. Should I call my doctor or is this normal?
More Answers to “Women who have had children only please?
If you are feeling unwell with it then go to the doctor..otherwise it is quite normal to finish off the bleeding with this dark color. If it was bright red color (termed as frank blood), then you would have concern as you could have a clott there that just won’t go away without surgical intervention. Anyhow, I have ahd 4 kids and I have experienced it before after my 3rd baby too . My require a DNC check w/dr
I’ve had three children and never had a tubal ligation (thank god my husband got a vasectomy) but after I had my children I had brownish blood and was told it was old blood and nothing to worry about and usually at the end of period it will happen but it never hurts to call a Dr. Hope everything is alright and hope you recuperate from the surgery okay. Good luck dear. I have to agree with the consensus that this normal and sounds like old blood. If any other symptoms appear such as cramping, sudden onset of large amount of blood, etc., call your doctor. If you become really worried, then call your doctor. Peace of mind is a good thing. i went thru same thing.dark brown blood is old blood.nothing to worry about. If you start bleeding a lot of bright red blood constantly.yea call ur doc asap!
sounds normal Sounds normal. Brown blood is old blood. You are still shedding the lining in your uterus.
This is normal. You may have had more activity or did something more strenuous and caused this old drainage to come more quickly. I have had 3 kids and this happened with all of them. If it gets worse, call your doc. If it tapers off over the next day or so, don’t worry. I say you should call your doctor you never know what is wrong. All women and briths are diffrent. So ether it’s nothing or it is something. Please don’t play with your heath.
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