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can someone please tell me what it means when one menstrates only for a day.Is it normal especially for a 23 year old?
More Answers to “Menstration?
Are you sexually active? Are you on birth control? If you aren’t on birth control and are sexually active you could be pregnant. If you are on birth control it could just be that it is keeping your flow down to a min. Regardless you should go see a Dr. At the age of 23 your cycle and flow should be very regular. Without knowing enough of your medical history there is no way anyone can answer it correctly. Best advice go to your MD. Go to your gynecologist…I used to have periods that don’t stop for weeks, so my gynecologist gave me a pill to regulate my menstruation.
means u didnt hav a normal cycle .do nt worry if its for once only but if it happens for another month go straight to a doc
It depends of what your cycle was like before. It can change just like everything else in your body. But when I was preg. with both of my kids that is what happened.
The length of the menstrual cycle varies from person to person. It is nothing to be worried about. The average cycle tends to be longer and some women suffer for 3 or even 4 days. However, as a physician, I do suggest a pelvic examination to insure your good health.
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