Why I’m a Cool Mom

Even before my son was born, I knew I would be one of those paranoid mothers. I would wince at the thought of someone other than myself holding my baby, and would make everyone smother themselves in Purell just to sneak a peek. I would hold my son in my arms, and visions of cut up pieces of hot dogs and tables wrapped in squishy padded foam would pop into my head. We even purchased a home with no stairs. However, now that my child is a toddler, I have become a much more relaxed, and dare I say a “cooler” parent than I ever imagined.

Here are 5 reasons why I am a cool mom:

1.) I let him jump on the bed…
…and the couch, and the table. We have all heard the story of the monkeys jumping on the bed, resulting in bumped heads and doctor house visits. I always thought I would keep my son covered in bubble wrap and wearing a helmet until he was in his 30s. But the truth is kids are just that – kids! And kids like to jump, climb run and explore. And not only do I let my toddler jump on the bed- with supervision of course – I jump along with him. Honestly, is there anything better in life than watching your kid have fun?

2.) We go to the movies.
Although just the thought of brining your toddler to the movies is enough to give most parents a panic attack, my son loves it. He will stand in the aisle and dance, or sit on the stairs, He eats popcorn and M&Ms and chugs a blue Icee all while wearing an ear to ear smile. He giggles and comments on what he sees on the screen. It’s a win-win situation, he’s happy, and I have an excuse to watch an animated kid’s movie.

3.) Ice cream for dinner? Why not!
When my son was a baby, I was very strict on what he ate. I spent the first half of his life driving 30 minutes one way to the nearest Whole Foods, purchasing organic veggies and fruits to make my own homemade baby food. Now in the second half of his life I will consider it a success if I can convince him to not eat that french fry off the food court floor. Although he does eat well balanced meals more often than not, there have also been those times where he had nothing but ice cream and a donut for supper, and I am convinced he loves me more because of it.

4.) Not ready for bed? No problem!
From the beginning, we let our son decide when and where he wanted to sleep. Now at two years old, he goes to sleep anytime between 9 and 10, and always on his own free-will. Some people may think that is ridiculous – that a child that young should be in bed by 7pm. But can someone tell you when you’re tired and when you should go to sleep? My son is his own person, and we let him chose when he’s ready for sleep.

5.) I say “yes” a lot.
Yes, it’s true. I say yes a lot and that’s a conscious decision. My son is an adventurous, curious, and confident toddler and I have no desire to stifle that. In fact I want to nurture these qualities, so by saying “yes” more often than “no” I feel like I’m doing just that.


How have your ideas on parenting changed with a toddler? Are you a “cool” mom?

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