What is Somniloquy Also Known as Sleep Talking?

Previously published in Examiner

Most Montrealers complain they do not get enough sleep. Yet, sleep affects are physical and mental health. Not having enough sleep affects our mood, our stamina, our home-life and career, and our social relationships.

Sleep is an important human function which is essential for good physical health and good mental health. Even though sleep is so important many Montrealers take sleeping for granted. They either sleep too much or more often than not, sleep less than is recommended for good health. Montrealers will catnap rather than sleep, burn the midnight oil studying, play on the computer, or just insist that they are too busy too sleep.

Conditions that affect sleep, our health, and mental health include such topics as Somniloquy, talking in our sleep. For help in the Montreal area for sleep disorders in Montreal click here:

Mount Sinai Hospital Sleep Center

Montreal Sleep Clinic

Causes for Talking in Our Sleep Known As Somniloquy

Most of us have come across people who talk in their sleep. It is actually considered a sleep disorder and the medical term for talking in your sleep is somniloquy. Somniloquy or sleep talking can be a disorder on its own, or it can occur with other sleep disorders. Sleep talking is relatively harmless, but can annoy the rest of the household, if the dreamer is shouting. Sleep talking can be as low as a whisper or as loud as a shout. It usually only lasts for about 30 seconds, but can happen several times during the course of the night.

Who are subject to somniloquy?

Sleep talking is more common among children between the age of 3 and 10 years old. Up to 50 percent of children in this age bracket will talk in their sleep. On the other hand, only 5 percent of adults are known to talk in their sleep.

Somniloquy will occur in both females and males. Researchers believe there is a genetic link to somniloquy.



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