Welcome to the Want Ads

The day had finally come and I nervously found myself sitting in a crowded room waiting for what I hoped would be just a routine checkup, I sat down beside an elderly woman quite absorbed in her newspaper. I was amazed by how animated and verbalized her dissatisfaction appeared and the longer she read, the more my curiosity was getting the better of me. I intentionally glanced over and spied the want ad and personals section.

When her name was finally called she placed the newspaper down on the stand and I quickly picked it up behind her. I hurriedly thumbed through the pages to reach the wants ads and I immediately noticed the bold fee schedule for ad postings and it’s per word charge. I scanned columns fraught with imploring frugality and I have to admit several made me stop, pause and reflect on them.

“Man needed”
“Sad and lonely”
“Newborn items, all unused”
“Lost Dog: answers to anything”
“Wrecked car for sale: contents included”
“Husbands wedding ring, is no longer needed”
“White wedding gown and veil, never been worn”
“Abused women and children: No need to feel ashamed!”
“Contents of home for sale, owners illness forces immediate liquidation”

I stood up as my name was called and walked over to the receptionist when I happened to glance back to see another man quickly reach over and pick up the paper and turn to who I suspect was his wife and I overheard him say I have to find out what all that fuss was about, did you see that guy?

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