Welcome to 2012, Are You Ready?

As 2012 gets started people are continuing to look for ways to change and improve themselves for the New Year. If you make some very simple changes to your way of thinking and acting you will be surprised at the different in yourself.

Tip number one: Focus. This sounds easy right? Just pay attention to what you’re doing, and you’ve got this one, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. In a world of right here and right now, mp3 players, smart phones, and tablets how can we possibly focus on what we’re doing? It will actually take thought and concentration to focus on our tasks, without the world coming into what we are doing to change are minds.

I hear more and more people complaining that they are losing their memory, but it isn’t their memory that they are losing; it’s their focus. You can’t possibly expect to remember something when you aren’t completely focused on what it is you’re doing in the first place. For a better you, a saner you, stop and think about what you’re doing even if it’s as simple as driving the car. Stop letting other things creep in, especially the phone; remember there was time when people had to wait for you to get to a destination to speak to you.

Tip number two: See, not just look. We see things all day long, as we go from place to place, as we meet up with friends, or go to work. How much of that did you take in and notice or really see? If ask to describe something could you do it? Think back to the last place you drove to today before you sat down to read this article, what was there? What are the details that you could say to a stranger to describe where you’ve been? Think about it, did you look or did you really see it?

It sounds crazy but just looking won’t help you find a lost object or let someone know where to get something for you, but seeing it will. They say the difference between an author, and everyone else is their ability to see and then repeat what they have seen in great detail. See the world around you, it only takes a minute, and the benefits are outstanding.

Tip number three: Hear. This goes hand in hand with seeing, but most people ignore what they hear. You’ve more than likely used the term “tuning out” once or twice in the last month. If you’ve tuned out, you’re not hearing anything, and some things can be very important. Mind you this is not eavesdropping; this is hearing what’s going on around you and what people are saying to you.

The people who get further in life, with jobs and with their social life, are the ones that tend to listen to others the most. They know when things are going to happen, and they knew ahead of time what people will say or want to hear. The boss may not tell information to everyone directly, but they do tell different things to different people who then pass it on in general conversation. Listen to all of your coworkers and so you are the one with the whole picture not just a small piece.

Tip number four: Smell. Stop and smell the flowers?? Well, not exactly, but close. Your sense of smell helps you to process things you have seen and hear. It also gives you something for a memory to attach itself to. Silly or not it can help you simply process that part of your day and give your brain the break it needs. It helps you remember that you’re hungry too! That is for all of those people who forget to eat because they work their way through lunch.

Tip number five: Feel. Not just with your hands, I mean feel what you are going through and what others around you are going through. If you want to be a better friend, co-worker, boss, or family member, start by feeling. Remember when something bad happens it doesn’t happen to only you; it happens to everyone you come in contact with until you’re happy again. As hard as it is remember the secretary or the clerk at the checkout didn’t do anything wrong, and they’re not out to get you. Also if you’re running late, driving up someone’s butt isn’t going to get you there any faster, and it wasn’t their fault. (That’s my hardest issue to deal with!) You’re late and that how it is, don’t cause an accident trying to fix it, and you only end up stressing yourself out more.

Tip number six: Think. It sounds strange but a lot of people don’t, myself included. Thinking requires at least thirty seconds before you can answer a question or make a comment. We are teaching the children in school now to stop and think before raising their hand, just give yourself some time to process. It’s working; the students are getting more questions correct, and they are understanding information better. It’s time for the adults to follow suit and stop becoming impatient.

Tip number seven: Touch. This is not only a physical but a mental choice as well. You need to stay connected to people physically and mentally in order to understand where they are coming from and why they have the opinions they have. The sooner we try to understand where others come from; the sooner we can gain a better understanding of our differences and how we can cooperate to get our common goals accomplished. No one is saying that you need to agree with them; you just need to see things from where they sit.

Tip number eight: Breath. The easy one, stop and give yourself a chance to catch your breath. This actually means you need to relax once in a while. This will stop you from getting stressed out and give you a better chance to stay focused on the tasks you need to accomplish. Once a day spend fifteen minutes with quiet music in a quiet place. If you have more time, spend more time, but you need at least fifteen minutes a day to decompress so you can relax.

Tip number nine: Believe. Silly isn’t it? You need to believe in yourself and those around you in order to relax enough to know everything will get accomplished. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will you latest work project. Your friends and family need your attention outside of work, so give it to them; work will be there tomorrow. On the same token, work will also need your full attention, so take care of that during work hours. Your family and friends will have time when you are done with work, don’t overdue either of these things, balance is key and both should get the attention they deserve.

Finally, your tenth tip: You. Take care of you. Give yourself time to relax, workout, even stress out if that’s what you need. Don’t let anyone tell you not to feel the way you do, look at things from all angles and when you are hurting give yourself time to heal. Smile often and laugh a lot, they have healing powers all their own. Take care of you and the rest will fall into place!

Have a great 2012!! Good Luck!!

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