Unburden Yourself

Where is the clutter in your life? Is it in the disorganization of your home or workspace? Is it in the noise of the TV and internet that drowns out the ability to hear your own inner voice? Is it in the non-stop, jam-packed schedule that prevents you from taking time out for yourself?

We are surrounded by distractions, by clutter, by unnecessary burdens that we carry. We rush from here to there; say yes to everything and everyone; turn off our brains by zoning out in front of the television; sacrifice our health and relationships by thinking work is more important. We ignore our inner voice; we don’t even give it a chance to speak. Is this clutter intentional? Is it possible that we just don’t want to hear what our inner voice has to say?

Unburden yourself.

Realize that it’s ok to say no sometimes. Decide what your priorities are and re-organize your life according to them. Simplify your life. Slow down. Leave work on time. Turn off the TV. Spend more time with or talking to the ones you love. Read a book. Dream. Spend time each day in what one of my favorite authors, Matthew Kelly, calls “the classroom of silence”.


Because if we will listen to it, our inner voice will guide us, lead us, teach us, heal us. Because listening to our inner voice can be comforting, thought-provoking, eye-opening, life-changing. Because the answers won’t come while we’re distracted, oblivious, or stressed beyond measure. The answers, the healing, will come when we are quiet, when we are still, when we listen.

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