TMJ Syndrome and Effective Home Remedies for Pain

Temporomandibular joint disease, TMJ, is a complex musculoskeletal health complication that impacts neurological pain in the face. For many TMJ sufferers, the complications with the variety of symptoms can be difficult to manage and, as a result, the diagnosis is often transformed to TMJ syndrome. If you are suffering from this type of jaw pain, it is important to become familiar with the risks you face and how you can manage some pain using home remedies.

Home remedies are becoming increasingly more common among TMJ syndrome sufferers due to the innate ability to safe money on traditional medical care, improve health more naturally, and alleviate symptoms between medical office visits. If you’ve used home remedies for other health complications, you’ll find that many of these same foundational treatments will also work with TMJ syndrome.

When considering options for TMJ syndrome home remedies, there are essentially three products that you’ll need for home remedies – ibuprofen, magnesium, and heat/cold packs. Ibuprofen can be taken in 200 milligram tablets, usually two to three tablets at one dosing. In addition to ibuprofen, take magnesium as well, with dosing at 500 milligrams per day. Using hot and cold packs, you can also alleviate pain in the jaw with application rotating every 20 minutes.

While other natural treatments, including hypnosis, acupuncture, and massage therapy may be recommended, these treatments are going to be costly and often not provide the same results as the treatments you may have had in the simple home remedies already mentioned. As with any form of home remedy treatment, be sure to speak with your doctor about the specific treatments that are appropriate for your TMJ syndrome.

Many jaw and facial pain complications can be alleviated using home remedies but complex conditions often need more diligent treatment. If you have complications with TMJ syndrome, be sure to consider these home remedies in addition to your traditional medical care. Just like home remedies you can use for brain tumor headaches, the key to success lies in the careful balance with traditional medical treatment as well.

Sources: The TMJ Healing Plan, by Cynthia Peterson

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