Tips for Planning a Catholic Wedding Outdoors

These days, having a wedding that is held on a beach, ranch, or even mountain has become quite popular. While these locations can make for a beautiful setting, they are often frowned upon by the Catholic Church. In fact, in most cases, Catholic weddings must be performed inside a church in order to be “recognized.” This doesn’t mean that you can’t have the wedding of your dream in a unique location-only that getting your wish to come true make take time and patience. Individuals who are interested in having a Catholic wedding outside should keep these tips in mind to ensure good results.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Planning ahead, and allowing plenty of time for preparation is essential in any wedding. This is especially true, however, if you and your future spouse are hoping to have a Catholic wedding outside. Couples who plan to follow the traditional route and have their wedding in a church must simply contact the church of their choice and schedule the wedding when an opening in available. In contrast, those who want to have an untraditional wedding must contact many Catholic dignitaries to ensure that the location is acceptable-which can often be quite time consuming. Give yourself three months more than you would if planning a church wedding to ensure you are not rushing at the last minute.

Talk to Your Family

Talking to your family is also important when planning a Catholic wedding outside. While the wedding, ultimately, is for you and your future spouse, you don’t want to alienate anyone on either side of the family by having a wedding outdoors. While a wedding held outdoors may seem like a small thing for some, it can be huge for others. After all of the planning, you and your fiancé don’t want to be the only ones who attend the wedding!

Consult with Local Priests

Individuals who hope to have a Catholic wedding outside may want to contact priests who are local to their area, or who are friends of the family to get advice about what steps will need to be taken. Finding a priest who will agree to performing a wedding outdoors is one of the harder parts of this job. In most cases, the more liberal the priest, the more likely he will be to perform the ceremony. While it may take time to find a priest who is ready and willing, do not give up-they are out there!

Prepare to Jump Through Hoops

There are several hoops that couples must jump through if they are determined to have a Catholic wedding outdoors. The most difficult of these involves getting an injunction by the Catholic Church to have your wedding outdoors, and not inside a church-as is the traditional method. To get an injunction, couples must typically contact the archdiocese of their region, and explain exactly why they want to have an outdoor wedding. Illness is the most common reason for granting an injunction. However, if work or school limits some individuals from traveling at a specific time of year, an injunction may also be granted to allow the wedding to take place at a specified location during a particular time period.

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