The Importance of an Editor and Proofreading

Have you ever wrote something that seemed perfect as you were writing it? Have you ever read an article, and found some mistakes that could have been very easily prevented? Well, this points out the importance of having an editor.

An editor is someone who reads over a piece of writing, proofreading I should say. Having someone look over your work is always a good idea.

The good thing about editors is that they not only correct spelling and grammar. They also check if they can see what you are saying by reading your writing. Editing is a very important part of writing, it improves understanding and comprehension to your readers. So, always make sure to get someone’s prospect on your writing.

I use an editor for each chapter of my Article Series, “The Darmen Project: Call of the Drifters” on Associated Content! And my editor and I have a more than enough “inside jokes” about my writing. I don’t get offended though because I find it hysterical! My editor can also get away with it too, considering that she’s my own sister.

I make mistakes all the time when writing. So having another pair of eyes is a good way to see things that I may have not even noticed. My sister finds words that are flipped and flopped in the wrong places. She helps me find out what some of my articles and stories are missing and then she helps me to correct it. Making the articles understandable is more important than anything else, and an editor is what makes this possible.

I check over each chapter of my current article series before ever getting them published because I want to make sure that it is both comprehendible and entertaining at the same time! And it feels like it takes forever just to get a chapter published because I am too busy trying to make it better. I am just glad that I don’t have a deadline on my work. I’m also glad that I don’t have an editor that forces a deadline on me.

So, don’t be in a rush to get something done! Be smart and find a good friend or someone you trust to look over your masterpiece to see if it can be refined!

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