The Dreaded New Year’s Resolution

With the New Year just days away, everyone will inevitably start writing their resolutions. A large number of people decide to lose weight or get in shape. I know, I was one of those people year after year. I would always start out well, but before summer, I had already given up.

Last year was finally my year. Of all the advice I read, portion control seemed to be the most important. I tried diets and diet food. They never worked. I always wanted something that just wasn’t on the list. So I started watching how much I ate instead of what. I never found myself wanting something I couldn’t have and ruining my diet. I usually didn’t even overindulge. If I wanted a burger, I ate it. I tried smaller tricks like removing half the bun and paying attention to when I was full. Dessert isn’t a no no either. I just make sure and don’t overdo it. I started off tracking how many calories I was eating every day to get a realistic idea of how much I was really eating. After a while, that just became second nature.

I found the biggest solution to weight gain: if you don’t want it, don’t eat it. That might sound stupid, but when you grow up being told to “clean your plate” it’s hard to leave food behind. It’s also hard to waste food when money is tight. I just remind myself of the money I’m saving on medical expenses that come from being overweight.

This year, I’m still 35 pounds less than I was at the start of last year. My new year’s resolution: run a 5k.

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