The Dismal Social Life of Some Fat Ladies

Previously published in Examiner

The following is a testimonial of an obese woman in Montreal. The pandemic medical condition is sweeping across North America as well as Montreal. New Research shows that young children who are obese will are at risk for diabetes and other medical conditions associated with obesity.

Obese Montrealers can seek help through dieticians, such programs as weight watchers and obesity clinics.

Obesity Therapists in Montréal

Weight Watchers in Montreal

Overeaters Anonymous in Montreal

Diary of a Fat Woman

After I married and then divorced, I once again found it hard to date. I was lonely and I wanted to have someone in my life but I became discouraged fast. I joined a single parent organization figuring I could find somebody there. But nothing much had changed since high school. The skinny girls got all the guys and the big girls sat alone.

I joined the board of directors as soon as I joined the association. I wanted and needed friends desperately; all my friends were married and no longer had time for me. So I had to create a new life for myself. I made male friendships in the association, yet I never succeeded in finding a boyfriend. Still, I was not alone; all the fat ladies were in the same position as I was.

Every Saturday night the association held dances as fundraisers for the children’s activities. I worked the dances, mainly because I was not a dancer, but also because I did not like the pain of always being judged for my weight.

If you walked into the majority of dances you would see all the normal sized women up dancing and the fat women sitting down watching. Was it really because fat women don’t like to exercise, a common feeling that many of the association members held at the time?

No, it was because they were never asked. I literally saw two men on separate occasions going up to a table of woman and asking each and every one of the ladies to have a dance with them until they reached the fat lady at the table and then rudely moved on.

Was it mean and nasty? Was there something wrong with her? No, she was just fat. I never liked to dance but I would not want the embarrassment and pain of that kind of rejection, and so my remedy was to work the dance.

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