Thanksgiving Signature Plate Collection

People collect spoons, thimbles, coins, stamps, posters, movie memorabilia – the list goes on forever. Some people even collect plates. Most people who love plate collecting enjoy getting one from every state, one from every year, or even a plate with each president’s picture on it. If you’re a plate collector – and even if you’re not – you’ll love a nice collection of plates, made over a span of years. Each plate will be different and each one will represent a group of friends and/or family members. Every Thanksgiving, put out a new plate and ask everyone who visits to sign it. Set that plate in the collection when the holiday is over and, next year, start another plate.

Purchase the plate or platter that you want. Consider the amount of people who will be signing it. You might want to buy just a single plate, a single platter, or a group with plate, saucer, and cup, for each Thanksgiving. The best dishes are ones that – white or colored – are plain or have demure patterns. Keep signatures on the outside of any cup or bowl that is signed or don’t actually serve foods in the dishes.

Use a paint marker to write on the plate or other dish. Paint markers contain real paint so the signatures will stay on for the life of the plate. You’ll find a large assortment of paint markers at most any craft store. Use the same combination each year (blue plate with gold marker, white plate with blue marker, etc.), or use a different color of marker for each Thanksgiving. Set the plate or other dishes on a table with the marker. Set a chair nearby for those who might need to sit down while writing (kids, elderly).

You don’t absolutely have to ask Thanksgiving guests to sign dishes. Instead, they can sign quilt blocks, a long, wide ribbon, ornaments, a hand towel, or even a pillow. Thanksgiving isn’t the only holiday or special occasion where the signatures make a nice collectible. Do the same for Christmas, a wedding, a birthday, the birth of a baby, and other events in your life. The signed object(s) will become cherished by you or by your whole family. And, if others want a signed Thanksgiving or other object, invite them to bring their own and get them signed. It’s a great tradition to get started.

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