Studies that Need Funding..

A new study shows that “… heavy drinking and alcohol abuse/dependence significantly increase as macroeconomic conditions deteriorate.”

Well if they can get funding for a study that shows losing a job causes people to drink, , I am preparing a few obvious studies . I fully expect these to get funded:

· Are Tea Party Members really brain dead? · What genetic malfunction causes people to like rap music? · Are politics really just show business for ugly people? · Does liquor cause alcoholism? · Does eating cause obesity? · Do Congressmen vote for their contributors best interests? · Can a lobbyist tell his mother what he does for a living? · Does your wife get annoyed if you have a girl friend? · Is jumping off high buildings a death risk? · Do politicians vow not to raise taxes? · Can birds run a marathon? · Is ethanol really just moonshine? · Do you ask the barber if you need a haircut? · Is having kids like installing a bowling alley in your brain? · Did Custer need a better scout? · Will the Coyote ever catch the Roadrunner? · Will Sylvester ever get to taste Tweety Bird? · Is the Grand Canyon Grand? · What was so Civil about the Civil War? · Did Jesse James rob banks? · Are beans really the magical fruit? · Is “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” really the Republicans’ new health care plan? · Will the Cubs ever win a World Series? · Should you wear a snuggie to work?

Do you drink more when you lose a job? Whoops that has already been taken.

University of Miami (2011, October 14). Macroeconomic conditions and alcohol consumption: When the economy is down, alcohol consumption goes up. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 14, 2011, from­ /releases/2011/10/111013091350.htm

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