Seeking the Christmas Present

Chilled evening skyscape glitters

Starshine brightly, frosted shivers

Shapes heavenward bound

Mysteries ne’er so simply found

Wrap and hoods do shield away

The frigid nighttime’s trembling wake.

Drawing onward towards the sight

The curious twinkle of One so bright

Comrades two and I make three

Seek to find a sight to see.

‘Twas foretold, ’twas in riddle,

Yet easy-read by babes so simple.

We come in hope, in plain foresight

Into this cold and lonely night.

We seek this One Who, though unlikely,

Saves in ways of One so mighty.

In hope, in faith we simply come

To seek the fount of the Merciful One.

They called us wise, yet one need only read

Of the Star of Jacob, of Adam’s Seed.

So in faith we wait; in faith we proceed;

In faith we want; in faith we need;

His Glorious Presence, His Merciful Peace.

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