Relieving Stress Through Relaxation Techniques

You are getting the stress relief you need for your muscles every time you work out, but what about the stress on your mind. A way to relief some stress is through various relaxation techniques which can take as little as ten minutes out of your day. Included are a few relaxation techniques that may help you relieve stress:

Breathing Meditation focuses on full, cleansing breaths because deep breathing is simple yet very powerful as a relaxation technique. Sit comfortably with one hand on your chest and other on your stomach, breathe in through your nose and at this point the hand on your stomach should rise and the hand on your chest should move very little. Exhale through your mouth pushing out as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles. The hand on your stomach should move in as you exhale and the hand on your chest should move very little. Continue to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Count slowly as you exhale.

Progressive muscle relaxation is the next technique and it involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body. Make sure you are comfortable before you start then take a few minutes (whatever time is needed) to do some deep breathing relaxation then once you have reached a relaxed state start by focusing your attention on your right foot and how it feels, then slowly tense the muscle in your right foot then relax your foot. Focus on the tension flowing away and how your foot feels as it becomes loose. Continue to do your relaxation breathing then move your focus onto your left foot. Follow this technique through your body, contracting and relaxing the muscle groups as you go.

Body scan mediation which is similar to the last technique but instead of tensing and relaxing the muscles, you merely focus on the sensations in each part of your body. While trying this technique be sure to continue to work on your breathing relaxation as well.

Mindfulness for stress relief is the technique of being aware of how you are feeling right now. This technique is to combat against the feelings of thinking of the past or worrying about the future which can often lead to stress. But by staying calm and focusing on the present moment you can bring yourself back into balance. This technique can also be utilizing while exercising as you are totaling focused and in tune with what body part you are working and counting and just be in that moment.

Visualization techniques help you incorporate your sense of sight, taste, touch, smell and sound because this involves imaging a scene in which you feel at peace and getting in touch with every sense involved in this scene to provide you with an environment that brings you serenity and relief of your tension.

If you are trying to add any of these techniques into your life a few other helpful hints are:

Try to schedule a set time each day to practice your relaxation technique

Practice your techniques while doing other things such as if you take mass transportation work on your breathing and visualization and of course while you are working out is a great time to focus on your breathing and tension on your desired muscle groups.

Avoid practicing while you are sleepy because you get the best results from these techniques when you fully awake and alert. Also avoid practicing after eating a big meal or while using alcohol or tobacco.

Don’t be discouraged if you skip a few days after you start because you eventually build up to the relaxation techniques and levels you need.

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