On the Flip Side

I went away to college and my mom was left at home with out any transportation. She was born in 1929 and she never got a driver’s license. She always depended on me to take her where she needed to go. I took her to work and picked her up, so when I went away no one helped her. Now there were other adults in the house but they were not concerned about our mother, they were going on vacations and shopping and buying cars. Enjoying life to the full. The entire time mom was suffering through cancer. She was not diagnosed. She had not gone to the doctor in 29 years. Finally they got the attention of me and others and we took her to another city and got care. She lived 1 year and 28 days from the day she was given her death sentence. At that point the flip side was on. No on longer had my back. I was all alone and still am. My life has been flipped since then and i do not think it will gain any strength. Here we are 2012, with a sitting African American President and although the shackles are not visible, we all still feel them, now they are on our brains and bank accounts. Not sure why our almighty God is allowing this, but all I know is that life on the flip side is no fun. My kids never have what they need. I always have to say no to going places and hanging with friends because we have no money. Money does not buy happiness, but it does make life easier. Something I would like my kids to know. Ask yourself, what have you done to allow racism to die. Are you keeping it alive or letting it die? No one picked. Why should something that is beyond their control be held against them?

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