Off to a Rocky Start:

I didn’t go to church today. I should’ve known, when I decided not to go the devil was-or would be after me. See here was the thing, I was tired. Physically, emotionally, mentally…I just wanted to be by myself today. I was hoping my mother would go out and I knew my sister would go to work, so I was just hoping for a few hours of me time. Now, don’t get me mistaken, I never decided to avoid or nix GOD for today. No. In fact my thought was I’d have some private, one-on-one time with HIM. I’d talk, pray, listen to gospel music…and start working on this goals. You see, accomplishing my goals, should be the great testimony to GOD I can’t (always) vocalize in church.

I love church. I do. I feel renewed, at peace and distracted from all the nonsense. But sometimes all the other church people and “the message,” gets to be too much, like-I can’t think. I can’t always remember or get a word in about the things I really should say. And although, I doubt I’ll be able to thank and recount every single blessing GOD has ever given me-even through praising HIM for enabling me to accomplish my goals. I wanted, and always want, to do something more than read The Bible, pray and attend church to thank and praise GOD. HE’s blessed/protected me so much, and I heard someone say once that when GOD blesses you, it’s not for you to keep to yourself. Am I making sense?

I’m not a holy-woman, in the sense that I have some superior knowledge, or claim a unique link to GOD. I’m just a woman and a believer and as I intend to discuss in this blog, GOD has blessed me in ways I do not deserve. HE’S faithful and far better than I could-or-would even strive to be…by that I mean, as many people, I have loved ones I would kill or die for, but being nailed to a cross or sending a child to be nailed to the cross for strangers, sinners and folks who are sometimes so ungrateful, is so beyond me. So yes, I love the LORD.

So even though today started off with me slipping back into a bad habit yet again and stumbling into a verbal massacre with my mother over nonsense; I praise the LORD. I love GOD, I believe in HIM and I know we’ll make it through this. Thank you GOD!!! And, you know what? I feel better just writing that…

“He shall regard the prayer of the destitute, and shall not despise their prayer.” (Psalms 102:17)

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