My Favorite Book of 2011: The Art of Racing in the Rain

Without giving the book away, this book stole my heart. You know sometimes you read a book review and you hear, ‘oh I couldn’t put it down! ‘. Well that was this one. I literally could not put this book down. I started it on a Saturday evening and picked it up again Sunday morning. I grabbed my cup of tea and headed outside to soak up the early morning sun and started reading. I didn’t put it down until almost 6 hours later.

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein Copyright 2008 is a moving story narrated by the Enzo, the family dog about his family, Denny Swift his wife Eve and their daughter Zoe. Enzo knows he is a little different from other dogs, he philosophies’ he is human; he is just missing opposable thumbs! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and most of all you’ll believe. The characters pull you into the story to the point where could you almost believe you were a part of the book itself.

I have lent this novel to many co-workers, friends and family and have had the same resounding commentary; they loved it, from them all.

The story brings to life the love of one dog for his family, his life and his passion for car racing. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and your heart will weep tears of joy and sorrow as you follow the story along with Enzo the dog. The writer has been kind enough to give just enough description of Enzo, so that he takes on the personality and vision of the reader’s imagination.

Go out and find a copy of this amazing book, grab your favorite Snuggly and a cup of tea or coffee, and settle in and enjoy.

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