Leaving Christianity to Embrace Wicca

In early 2009 I knew that I was on the wrong spiritual path as I sat in my church and was told yet again of what a worthless sinner I was. I couldn’t go on listening to stories about an angry God. A God that loved me one minute, and the next was just looking for an excuse to cast me into hell!

After leaving the church for good I sought of a new age bookstore in the town where I lived and went to visit it, seeking answers. I was met with kindness, acceptance of where I was in my spiritual walk and love. It was so wonderful and refreshing to meet genuine people who liked me as I was. They didn’t tell me I had to jump through any hoops to meet their criteria! The owner talked openly with me for over two hours and even loaned me some books from her shop to help me open my mind to New Age wisdom and spirituality.

I devoured the books and came to understand that New Age spirituality is all about us accepting the spark or seed of divinity that we all have inside.. I was told that God or spirit or the Goddess or whatever I wanted to call the force that created me loved me just as I was. And If I asked for guidance, the Gods would show me the personal path that they had for me. Wow, this was definitely not the “cookie cutter” religion that I was used too!

I asked God to reveal to me the path that he wanted me to follow that would be for my good. Shortly thereafter I met a woman in the shop who began a conversation with me and she turned out to be a priestess of the Wiccan religion. I was fascinated and decided to learn more about the religion. Now I am surrounded by love and magick and acceptance and I will never look back.

Shortly thereafter my former Christian friends came to my home to bring me back into the flock. I was again told it was a sin to seek outside their faith. I asked them to leave and not to return to my home.

If you too feel empty spiritually, please seek answers outside of the church and your personal path will be revealed to you in love. Isn’t it time to feel joy and peace in your life again?

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