Kelly Kelly Said She Wants to Display a More Aggressive Persona; Too Late for That

Kelly Kelly recently did an interview with and was asked why has she been showing high amounts of rage as of late. On last week’s Raw SuperShow, Kelly Kelly decimated the Divas Champion Beth Phoenix.

Here is Kelly Kelly’s response:

“They’ve been torturing me and making me miserable for the last few months,” she told “Losing the title [to Beth at WWE Hell in a Cell] just topped it off. The next night, I let my frustrations get to me and I just let out everything I’ve been holding back.”

“After five years, this is finally my time,” she said. “I’m going to take it and I’m going to show people that I’m not just a pretty face.”

Analysis: It’s too late for Kelly Kelly to try to change her persona. She made her first impression a long time ago. Those “Extreme Expose” segments pretty much sealed her fate. Throughout the years, Kelly Kelly has displayed anger, but not enough to spark interest in the Divas Division.

The thing about Kelly Kelly is that no matter whom sneak attacks her one night, the next night she seems as she has amnesia. For example, Kelly Kelly lost her title and took a beating at Hell In a Cell at the hands of Beth and Natayla.

The following night on Raw, she comes down to the ring with her normal huge smile. Kelly Kelly failed to sell the beating she took the night before, and didn’t displayed anger until the bell rung for her match. It would have been better if she had walked to the ring with an angry look on her face. She has added that loud scream during her matches, but it hasn’t help her with the IWC in any way.

It’s quite obvious that a percentage of the WWE Universe is biased towards Kelly Kelly and don’t have faith in her abilities. She will always be viewed as the Barbie Doll diva. You can’t blame them because her on-screen character has practically remained the same all this time. Despite Kelly Kelly setting a new goal to display some aggressiveness, it’s a little too late for her.

Source: WWE.COM, The Contributor

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